North Carolina's Attorney General Josh Stein appeared on CNN on Wednesday, December 7.
CNN  — 

North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein on Wednesday launched his campaign to succeed term-limited Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper and sought to portray himself as an alternative to politicians who “spark division” and “ignite hate.”

The Democrat’s announcement video highlighted homophobic remarks made by North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, a potential Republican rival, as well as comments by Robinson suggesting he believes women are inferior to men.

“Robinson wants to tell you who you can marry, when you’ll be pregnant and who you should hate. I’m running for governor because I believe in a very different North Carolina,” Stein says in the video. “One rooted in our shared values of freedom, justice and opportunity for everyone.”

Stein described the 1971 firebombing of his civil rights lawyer father’s office in Charlotte and drew parallels with the violent 2017 White nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, as well as the deadly January 6, 2021, insurrection at the US Capitol.

“I learned early on that some things are worth fighting for no matter the opposition. Today there’s a different set of bomb throwers who threaten our freedoms and our future, while some politicians spark division, ignite hate and fan the flames of bigotry,” Stein said.

Images from the Charlottesville rally and the 2021 insurrection at the Capitol flashed on screen as he described today’s “bomb throwers,” and several images of Robinson were cut together in the video as Stein spoke of politicians who “spark division, ignite hate and fan the flames of bigotry.” Robinson has not launched a campaign for governor but has said it is very likely he will run.

“This is our moment to protect our freedoms and democracy, provide every child a great education and expand economic opportunity to every corner of the state,” Stein said.