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Paris gunman speaks to CNN affiliate during siege
Frederik Pleitgen reports that CNN affiliate BFMTV claims Cherif Kouachi spoke to them during a hostage siege in which he was later killed.
01:57 - Source: CNN
Hostage standoffs in Paris 6 videos
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Paris gunman speaks to CNN affiliate during siege
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- Source: CNN
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How were the suspects able to flee from Paris?
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President Obama: U.S. stands with France
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- Source: CNN
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Police surround Charlie Hebdo shooting suspects
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- Source: CNN
A photo taken on January 9, 2015 shows members of the French police forces taking position by the kosher grocery store in Saint-Mande, near Porte de Vincennes, eastern Paris, where at least one person was injured when a gunman opened fire at the kosher grocery store and took at least five people hostage, sources told AFP. The attacker was suspected of being the same gunman who killed a policewoman in a shooting in Montrouge in southern Paris on January 8. AFP PHOTO / ERIC FEFERBERG        (Photo credit should read ERIC FEFERBERG/AFP/Getty Images)
Hostage standoff at French grocery store
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- Source: CNN
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Police release photos of two new suspects
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- Source: CNN