Republican Herschel Walker speaks during a campaign event in Carrollton, Georgia, on October 11, 2022.
CNN  — 

Republican Senate nominee Herschel Walker on Tuesday defended his own transparency over allegations he paid for an ex-girlfriend’s abortion, telling reporters at a press conference that he had “answered that question time and time again” and that his campaign was “about going forward.”

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  • The question was about Walker’s transparency around the allegations that he paid for a woman’s abortion and encouraged her to have another one. The Republican has repeatedly denied the allegations, but in an interview with NBC News that aired on Monday, acknowledged the authenticity of a $700 check he sent to the woman, who claims it was to reimburse her for the procedure. Walker continued to deny that he paid for the abortion and said he did not know what the check was for.

    CNN has not independently verified the allegations from the woman, who has remained anonymous.

    “Well, what I say is, I found out what it was, when I told everyone I found out, was the time I found out. And I have answered that question time and time again and my campaign now has been about going forward because I have been honest,” Walker said during a press conference outside of Columbia Tower, the focal point of the attack Walker lobbed against Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock at a debate last week.

    Walker accused Warnock and his church, Ebenezer Baptist, of evicting people from the building during the debate. Warncok has denied the allegation.

    “The person not being honest is Senator Warnock because he said he didn’t know anything about this and he did know,” Walker said, gesturing to the building behind him.