British actor John Boyega speaks to protestors in Parliament square during an anti-racism demonstration in London, on June 3, 2020, after George Floyd, an unarmed black man died after a police officer knelt on his neck during an arrest in Minneapolis, USA. - Londoners defied coronavirus restrictions and rallied on Wednesday in solidarity with protests raging across the United States over the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who died during an arrest on May 25. (Photo by DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS / AFP) (Photo by DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS/AFP via Getty Images)
El discurso de John Boyega, actor de Star Wars, durante manifestaciones por George Floyd
01:20 - Source: CNN
CNN  — 

Filmmakers and actors including Jordan Peele and Olivia Wilde are standing by John Boyega after he delivered a rousing speech at a Black Lives Matter protest on Wednesday.

The “Star Wars” actor rallied crowds at the large demonstration in London’s Hyde Park following the death of George Floyd, telling activists that “now is the time” to demand racial equality.

“I need you guys to understand how painful this s**t is,” the 28-year-old British-Nigerian star said into a megaphone.

“It is very, very important that we keep control of this movement, and we make this as peaceful as possible,” he added.

Boyega joined crowds who braved the bad weather to protest, following the lead of activists who have organized demonstrations in the US in response to Floyd’s killing at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer.

Hollywood heavyweights have assured Boyega he has their full support after he was widely reported as saying he did not know if he would “have a career” after speaking out.

Retweeting pictures of Boyega at the protest, Peele – who won an Academy Award for his horror film “Get Out” – wrote: “We got you, John.”

Boyega’s “Star Wars” co-star Mark Hamill – known for playing Luke Skywalker – declared on Twitter he had “never been more proud” of Boyega following the public stand, before signing off with “dad.”

Actor and director Wilde chimed in that she would be “honored” to work with Boyega before adding: “We’ve got your back, John. Don’t hold back.”

J.J. Abrams, who directed Boyega in the “Star Wars” franchise, insisted “as long as I’m allowed to keep working, I’ll always be begging to work with you.” He added: “Deep respect and love, my friend.”

Black Mirror creator Charlie Brooker said he “would crawl through a barrel of broken glass to have John Boyega even so much as *glance* at one of my scripts,” while responding to a tweet director Matthew A. Cherry had posted in support of the actor.

On Wednesday Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison announced that former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who pressed his knee on Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes, would face second-degree murder charges.

The three officers involved in the arrest will also be charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder.