Angolan refugees: ‘The one possession I’ll take home’ | CNN

Angolan refugees: ‘The one possession I’ll take home’

CNN  — 

If war came knocking at your door, what would you grab before fleeing?

A jacket. A Bible. A photograph. Perhaps escaping with your bare hands would be enough.

This was the reality once faced by thousands of Angolans. Caught up in a bloody guerrilla war, men and women, families and friends were displaced, leaving their homeland in search of safer climes.

Many refugees traveled to Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), to wait things out. The war dragged on, but life moves fast. For some, that journey took place over 50 years ago.

Today refugees are preparing to return to a peaceful Angola – and they’re bringing their most treasured possessions back with them.

Working with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), photographer Brian Sokol has documented the remarkable stories of these victims of war in his multi-part series “The Most Important Thing.”

Sokol has visited Turkey, Burkina Faso, Lebanon and South Sudan, photographing displaced individuals with their totems of a life they’ve left behind. Turning his lens to Angolans in the DRC, he found unique stories drawn from a common plight.

Scroll through the gallery to discover their remarkable accounts of tragedy and hope, as told to the UNHCR’s Celine Schmitt.