Ryder Cup: Rickie Fowler shows U.S. patriotism with haircut | CNN

Ryder Cup: Rickie Fowler shows U.S. patriotism with haircut

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Rickie Fowler unveils a patriotic haircut ahead of this week's Ryder Cup

The American has "USA" shaved into the side of his head

The Ryder Cup pits American and European golfers against each other

The 2014 match takes place in Scotland later this week

CNN  — 

Patriotism could reach fever pitch when the USA and Europe collide in golf’s Ryder Cup … and it looks like American star Rickie Fowler has let it go to his head.

Pictured stepping off the plane as the U.S. team arrived at Edinburgh airport ahead of this week’s match, the world No. 10 sported a new haircut with “USA” shaved into the side of his head.

Although it might be unusual for a golfer to have such an outrageous hairstyle, displays of national pride are entirely in keeping with the Ryder Cup.

Read: Inside Rickie Fowler’s Ryder Cup

Played every two years, it pits the best golfers from Europe and the USA against each other with the winner securing bragging rights in the sport’s most partisan contest.

Europe has dominated the competition in recent years, winning the last two contests.

The U.S. team, captained by eight-time major winner Tom Watson, will be out for revenge when the 2014 competition begins at Scotland’s Gleneagles course on Friday.

While golf courses are usually the epitome of peace and quiet, the Ryder Cup galleries are altogether more raucous.

So expect star spangled banners and roars of “USA, USA” to accompany Fowler around the course throughout the three days of competition.

With so much adrenaline and excitement in the air, tensions have boiled over in the past.

During the 1999 event at the Brookline club in Massachusetts, the USA team was criticized for celebrating a dramatic victory on the green while European player Jose Maria Olazabal was still waiting to take his putt.

Expect more fierce clashes over the course of this week…

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