London CNN  — 

The British Army has opened an investigation into a video circulating on social media that appears to show serving soldiers shooting at a picture of Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the UK’s opposition Labour Party.

The 25-second video, initially shared on Snapchat with the caption “Happy with that,” appears to show four men in military uniform firing handguns at a large image of Corbyn during target practice.

It is not clear whether the video has been manipulated.

The army is investigating the video.

“We are aware of a video circulating on social media, this behaviour is totally unacceptable and falls well below the high standards the Army expects, a full investigation has been launched,” an Army spokesman told CNN in a statement.

The UK’s Press Association news agency said the footage was captured in Kabul, Afghanistan in recent days and showed the 3rd Battalion Parachute Regiment engaged in target practice on a simulation range.

In a statement to CNN, the Labour Party called the video “alarming and unacceptable” and expressed “confidence” in the Ministry of Defense to “investigate and act.”

A minister at the UK’s Ministry of Defence, Tobias Ellwood, tweeted that he is looking into the video, describing it as “unacceptable.”

Labour Member of Parliament Dan Jarvis also described the video as “shameful and utterly unacceptable,” in a tweet on Wednesday, adding it “goes against the values and standards” of the British Army.

CNN’s Hilary McGann contributed to this report