Bobby Jindal to form exploratory committee | CNN Politics
Washington CNN  — 

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal will announce Monday that he is taking a major step toward seeking the Republican presidential nomination by establishing a committee to formally explore a White House bid, CNN has learned.

The creation of an exploratory committee will allow Jindal to raise money to pay for activities such as political travel as he considers whether to join a crowded GOP presidential primary field. Jindal’s campaign is expected to officially announce the creation of the committee early Monday afternoon, but has already launched a website promoting the Louisiana governor’s possible candidacy.

“If I run, my candidacy will be based on the idea that the American people are ready to try a dramatically different direction,” Jindal says in a forthcoming news release provided to CNN. “Not a course correction, but a dramatically different path.”

Jindal, who is polling in the low single digits, says he will make a final decision about whether to run after Louisiana’s legislative session ends June 11.