Sony Plans ‘Ghostbusters’ Cinematic Universe | CNN

Sony Plans ‘Ghostbusters’ Cinematic Universe

Story highlights

Sony Pictures is planning a "cinematic universe" similar to the Marvel films for its "Ghostbusters" franchise

Channing Tatum will star in one of the films, described as "male-oriented"

"Ghostbusters" reboot is already planned with female cast

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Sony Pictures is expanding its “Ghostbusters” movies with Ghost Corps, a collective headed by original “Ghostbusters” director Ivan Reitman and star Dan Aykroyd, that will oversee the expansion of the movie franchise beyond a cinematic universe into television and merchandising.

The first order of business will be to develop a new male-oriented “Ghostbusters” that will be released after the much ballyhooed female-centric movie being put together by Paul Feig. The movie, which is to star Kirsten Wiig and Melissa McCarthy, shoots this summer and will be released July 22, 2016.

New all-female ‘Ghostbusters’ cast chosen

Joe and Anthony Russo, the duo behind “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” and who signed a first-look deal with Sony last week, are being tapped to produce and direct the new movie.

Drew Pearce, who penned “Iron Man 3”, will write the script while Channing Tatum, another Sony favorite after the 22 Jump Street movies, will also produce with his partners Reid Carolin and Peter Kiernan. If all goes as planned, Tatum would also star in the movie.

Read the original 1984 THR review of ‘Ghostbusters’

Reitman will also produce the new movie.

Sony is one of the studios less franchise-rich than others, such as Disney or Warner Bros. or even Paramount, which is cranking out “Transformers” and “G.I. Joe” movies.

Female Ghostbusters? Why Studios Want More Women-Led Blockbusters

How seriously is Sony taking this? Enough that Reitman is moving his entire staff of his production banner The Montecito Picture Co. onto the studio lot to focus on this endeavor. Montecito and Ghost Corps will be separate entities, however.