April 13, 2023 - Russia-Ukraine news

April 13, 2023 - Russia-Ukraine news

By Kathleen Magramo, Brad Lendon, Jack Guy, Ed Upright, Leinz Vales, Adrienne Vogt, Maureen Chowdhury, Matt Meyer and Elise Hammond, CNN

Updated 9:42 p.m. ET, April 13, 2023
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9:41 p.m. ET, April 13, 2023

Our live coverage for the day has ended. Follow the latest Ukraine news here or read through the updates below.

7:58 p.m. ET, April 13, 2023

As documents leak takes center stage, here are some Ukraine headlines you may have missed today

From CNN staff

Thursday saw the arrest of a 21-year-old man in the high-profile case surrounding leaked US intelligence documents, including ones containing classified information on the war in Ukraine.

Here are some of the other major storylines out of Ukraine you need to know:

  • Shelling in southern Ukraine: Russian shelling in the southern Kherson region killed at least two civilians Thursday, a regional official said, including a 45-year-old man who died in the city of Kherson and another civilian in the village of Zmiivka.
  • Wartime holiday: The deadly shelling in Kherson comes as officials across the country prepare for Orthodox Easter this Sunday. Churches in some regions will remain closed at night for fear of Russian strikes, and officials will ban the public from certain cemeteries over concerns about unexploded mines.
  • Agriculture woes: Up to a third of Ukraine's territory may still contain explosive devices, according to the country's emergency service. That's just one of several factors making this a challenging season for the country's farmers. This season's grain exports will be critical for both Ukraine's domestic needs and the global hunger crisis.
  • Biden in Ireland: US President Joe Biden touted Western support for the defense of Ukraine during a speech to Ireland's parliament Thursday, prompting an ovation from the assembled lawmakers. He particularly praised Irish leadership on United Nations sanctions, ensuring the penalties wouldn't interfere with humanitarian efforts.
  • Detained journalist: Russia's Foreign Ministry will only discuss a potential exchange for jailed American journalist Evan Gershkovich after his trial, according to Russian state news agency TASS. Russia accused him of spying, while the US has declared Gershkovich wrongly detained.
  • Battle for Bakhmut: The fight grinds on for the eastern city of Bakhmut, which has seen the conflict's most brutal fighting for weeks. Russian and Wagner mercenary forces are trying to inch closer to the city center. Both sides claim the other has suffered huge losses.

7:20 p.m. ET, April 13, 2023

Ukraine is having a harder time sowing crops this season than in 2022, official says

From CNN's Yulia Kesaieva and Mohammed Tawfeeq

Grain farmer Oleksandr Klepach points at trenches in his field, amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine, in Snihurivka, southeast Ukraine, on February 20, 2023.
Grain farmer Oleksandr Klepach points at trenches in his field, amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine, in Snihurivka, southeast Ukraine, on February 20, 2023. (Lisi Niesner/Reuters)

Ukrainian farmers trying to sow crops this season have faced "more difficult conditions than in 2022," according to a policy official.

Denys Marchuk, deputy chairman of the Ukrainian Agrarian Council Public Union, laid out the numerous challenges facing the country's crop sowing campaign — which launched late last month — in a news conference in Kyiv on Thursday.

Short on money: Marchuk highlighted a lack of funding as a key reason why farmers are struggling to produce. Farmers have run out of supplies like mineral fertilizers, plant protection products and seed, and did not receive additional funding for 2023.

Russia left large areas unusable: Some 7 million hectares (more than 27,000 square miles) of farmland in Ukraine can't be used during the sowing campaign, according to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.

Apart from Russian-occupied territories, which are temporarily off the table, there are still mines that have not been removed across a lot of liberated land in Ukraine.

As CNN has previously reported, the country's farmers face a stark choice: clear the fields of explosives to prepare for planting season or contemplate another year without income.

Making the most of available land: Despite all the challenges, Ukraine plans to sow crops on more than 19 million hectares of land (more than 73,000 square miles), according to the agrarian ministry.

"This will actually give fairly good harvest rates, given the wartime conditions. In terms of harvest figures, we should be able to fully ensure food security within the country and be able to export," Marchuk said Thursday. 

Why a successful season is so important: Ukraine is regarded as a key breadbasket for much of the world, and the country relies on agriculture to generate more than 40% of total export revenues.

The country's economy shrank by more than 30% in 2022 after Russia's invasion destroyed infrastructure, hurt businesses and disrupted daily life, Kyiv's economic ministry said in March.

The deputy chairman said farmers sold the grain group "mostly either at a loss or at their cost price," saying this was a reason for the lack of free funds that could be used during this sowing campaign.

"Overall, the costs of the sowing campaign this season will increase by about 19%. In total, about UAH 230 billion ($6 billion) will be spent on the sowing campaign," Marchuk said.
6:09 p.m. ET, April 13, 2023

Up to a third of Ukraine's territory could be contaminated with explosives, emergency service says

From CNN's Yulia Kesaieva and Mohammed Tawfeeq

HALO Trust deminers are at work to clear a farm's land from explosives near the village of Yevgenivka, in the Mykolaiv region, on April 9, 2023, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
HALO Trust deminers are at work to clear a farm's land from explosives near the village of Yevgenivka, in the Mykolaiv region, on April 9, 2023, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Sergei Supinsky/AFP/Getty Images)

One-third of Ukraine's territory "is potentially contaminated with explosive devices," a spokesperson for the country's State Emergency Service said in a statement Thursday.

The regions with the most potential danger are Kharkiv in northeastern Ukraine, Donetsk in the east, and Kherson and Mykolaiv in the south, according to Oleksandr Khorunzhyi, SES spokesperson.

Khorunzhyi said the service's pyrotechnic units are working to defuse and clear the explosives, having already removed more than 316,000 remnants of war since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion in February 2022.

The official said crews are taking particular care to remove mines around energy infrastructure.

Some context: The area described by Khorunzhyi — one-third of Ukraine's territory — amounts to about 174,000 square kilometers (over 67,000 square miles).

7:09 p.m. ET, April 13, 2023

European Union targets Russia's Wagner Group in latest round of sanctions

From CNN’s Zahid Mahmood

An advertising screen, promoting Wagner private mercenary group, is on display on the facade of a building in Moscow, Russia, on March 27, 2023. A slogan on the screen reads: "Join the team of victors!"
An advertising screen, promoting Wagner private mercenary group, is on display on the facade of a building in Moscow, Russia, on March 27, 2023. A slogan on the screen reads: "Join the team of victors!" (Evgenia Novozhenina/Reuters)

The European Union added Russia’s Wagner private military group and Russian news agency RIA FAN to a list of organizations it is sanctioning, a statement from the European Council said Thursday.

The EU sanctioned the two organizations for "undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine," the statement read. 

“Russia must stop its aggression and immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces and proxies from the entire territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders,” the statement read.
“The EU stands firmly and fully with Ukraine and will continue to provide strong political, economic, military, financial and humanitarian support to Ukraine and its people for as long as it takes.”

Some background: RIA FAN is part of the Patriot Media Group, a Russian organization whose Board of Trustees is headed by Yevgeny Prigozhin, according to the EU.

Prigozhin is also the head of the Wagner Group, which has been previously sanctioned for what the EU describes as serious human rights violations.

The EU has now sanctioned a total of 1,473 individuals and 207 entities in connection with their actions in Ukraine, the statement read. Those designated are subject to an asset freeze and EU citizens and companies are forbidden from making funds available to them, the statement read.

6:13 p.m. ET, April 13, 2023

War leaves Ukrainians with mined cemeteries and closed churches on Orthodox Easter

From CNN's Radina Gigova and Yulia Kesaieva 

A sign warns of the presence of mines in the vicinity of the Orthodox Church of the Holy Mother of God Joy of All Who Sorrow, destroyed as a result of shelling in the village of Bohorodychne amid Russia's attack on Ukraine, in the eastern region of Donetsk, Ukraine March 18, 2023.
A sign warns of the presence of mines in the vicinity of the Orthodox Church of the Holy Mother of God Joy of All Who Sorrow, destroyed as a result of shelling in the village of Bohorodychne amid Russia's attack on Ukraine, in the eastern region of Donetsk, Ukraine March 18, 2023. (Violeta Santos Moura/Reuters)

Authorities will bolster security measures across the country as Ukrainians prepare to celebrate another Orthodox Easter while fighting Russia's war. 

Residents are discouraged from attending church services late at night this weekend, and many cemeteries will remain closed due to the danger of unexploded mines and Russian shelling.

Eastern Orthodox Christians celebrate Palm Sunday and Easter one week after many Christians in the US and other Western countries observe the holiday.

Ukrainian officials have warned in the past that Russian attacks may increase around specific dates, holidays or events. Oleksiy Biloshytskyi, a national law enforcement official, said police will use special monitoring centers to look out for any signs of attacks.

"We must remember that the enemy is insidious and can take any action even during this (Easter) night," he said.

In the capital Kyiv, residents will be able to attend late evening church services despite a curfew, but they must arrive at church before the curfew takes effect, the head of the Kyiv City Military Administration, Serhii Popko, said Thursday in a Telegram post.

Popko said churchgoers and clergy should research the nearest shelter to their congregation and be prepared to flee to safety if an air raid alarm sounds.

The curfew hours in Kyiv last from midnight to 5 a.m. local time (10 p.m. ET), as is the case for most of the country.

In the broader Kyiv region, residents will only be able to attend church services when the curfew is not in effect, and only a limited number of people will be allowed on the grounds of churches and cemeteries due to security reasons, the Kyiv region's military administration said Monday. 

Many churches will broadcast services online, it added.

In northeastern Kharkiv, which is Ukraine's second-largest city, officials will close a number of cemeteries.

Authorities warned that one of the cemeteries, the Slobozhanskyi memorial complex, has not been fully cleared of explosive mines.

Other city cemeteries will be closed on Easter "to avoid provocations by the enemy and to protect citizens from unpredictable missile attacks," the city council said.

In the southern city of Kherson, residents won't be able to visit cemeteries or attend church services during curfew hours, the city council said Tuesday.

It said the ban on cemeteries was due to mine danger.

"The enemy daily launches hostile attacks on the civilian population of the Kherson community. Unfortunately, the possibility of shelling during the holidays cannot be ruled out," the city council said. 
2:36 p.m. ET, April 13, 2023

Russia won't consider exchange for jailed US journalist until after his trial, official tells state media

From CNN’s Uliana Pavlova

Russia's Foreign Ministry will only discuss a potential exchange for jailed American journalist Evan Gershkovich after his trial, according to Russian state news agency TASS. 

"The issue of exchanging anyone can be considered after the court issues its verdict specifically on this charge,” Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Thursday, according to TASS. “As for the exchange, then we have a special channel for this, the special services are engaged in this, and they will continue to deal with this issue."

Ryabkov accused The Wall Street Journal, Gershkovich's employer, of trying "to escalate on this topic day by day."

The newspaper and other news organizations have been united in calling for the release of Gershkovich, who the US has designated as wrongfully detained

Gershkovich has been detained on espionage charges, which he denies, and currently awaits trial in the notorious Lefortovo detention prison.

1:59 p.m. ET, April 13, 2023

Biden thanks Ireland for its support of Ukraine and "vital leadership" on Russian sanctions

US President Joe Biden addresses the Irish Parliament at Leinster House, in Dublin, Ireland, on Thursday.
US President Joe Biden addresses the Irish Parliament at Leinster House, in Dublin, Ireland, on Thursday. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

US President Joe Biden touted Western support for the defense of Ukraine during a speech to Ireland's parliament Thursday, prompting an ovation from the assembled lawmakers.

"Ireland and the United States are standing together to oppose Russia's brutal aggression and support the brave people of Ukraine," the American leader said.

Biden praised Ireland's support for Kyiv, saying it had provided tens of millions of dollars worth of non-lethal aid over the past year.

He also thanked the country for its "vital leadership" on the United Nations Security Council, where Irish leaders collaborated with the US to ensure UN sanctions wouldn't interfere with humanitarian work, according to the president.

The US leader said such collaboration between Western nations proves that Russian President Vladimir Putin underestimated the unified response to his invasion of Ukraine.

"Putin thought the world would look the other way — was confident he would break NATO and the European Union," Biden said. "The unity of Western nations would fracture and fall at the moment of testing: That's what he thought. But he was wrong. He was wrong on every point and every front. Today, we're more united and more determined than ever to defend the values that make us strong."

1:45 p.m. ET, April 13, 2023

Germany grants permission to Poland to export old MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine

From CNN's Nadine Schmidt in Berlin and Amy Cassidy in London 

Germany on Thursday granted permission for Poland to re-export five old German MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine, the German Ministry of Defense said in a statement.

"I am pleased to inform you that we can promise our Polish partners the delivery of five MiG-29s from former NVA (National People's Army) stocks to Ukraine,” German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said in the statement. “We only received the application today. I welcome the fact that we in the Federal Government have reached this decision together. This shows that Germany can be relied upon!" 

In March, Poland pledged it would send four MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine, the first NATO member to do so.

Polish President Andrzej Duda said the planes — about a dozen that the country had inherited from the former German Democratic Republic — would be handed over in the coming days after being serviced.

“When it comes to the MiG-29 aircraft, which are still operating in the defense of Polish airspace, a decision has been taken at the highest levels, we can say confidently that we are sending MiGs to Ukraine,” Duda said.