These 6 Olympians medaled in summer and winter sports
Canadian Clara Hughes is the only person in history to win multiple Olympic medals in both summer and winter sports. She won a couple of bronze medals in cycling before collecting four speedskating medals over three Winter Olympics.
Franck Fife/AFP/Getty Images

These 6 Olympians medaled in summer and winter sports

Updated 2311 GMT (0711 HKT) February 1, 2022

Canadian Clara Hughes is the only person in history to win multiple Olympic medals in both summer and winter sports. She won a couple of bronze medals in cycling before collecting four speedskating medals over three Winter Olympics.
Franck Fife/AFP/Getty Images

More than 100 Olympians have competed in both summer and winter sports over the years. But only six of them have won medals in two separate disciplines.

American Eddie Eagan was the first — and so far, he's the only one of them to win golds in both.

In 1920, Eagan won a gold medal in boxing's light-heavyweight division. Twelve years later, he was part of the four-man bobsled team that finished in first.