Queen Elizabeth sends 'good wishes' to Gareth Southgate ahead of the Euro 2020 final - CNN

    No pressure: Queen Elizabeth sends 'good wishes' to Gareth Southgate ahead of the Euro 2020 final

    London (CNN)Queen Elizabeth II sent a message of support to England national football team manager Gareth Southgate on Saturday, the evening before England's showdown with Italy at Wembley Stadium in London.

    "55 years ago I was fortunate to present the World Cup to Bobby Moore and saw what it meant to the players, management and support staff to reach and win the final of a major international football tournament," the Queen said, referencing England's 1966 World Cup win.
      "I want to send my congratulations and that of my family to you all on reaching the final of the European Championships, and send my good wishes for tomorrow with the hope that history will record not only your success but also the spirit, commitment and pride with which you have conducted yourselves."
        England reached its first men's major tournament final in 55 years after after beating Denmark 2-1 in a gripping encounter on Wednesday at Wembley Stadium.
        The national team will face Italy on Sunday. The Italians have look strong throughout the tournament, but England hopes a home-field advantage will inspire it to a historic victory. About 65,000 fans are expected.
        Goldman Sachs predicts that England has a 58% chance of defeating Italy in the Euro 2020 final.