David Ortiz throws out ceremonial first pitch at Fenway Park - CNN

    David Ortiz throws out ceremonial first pitch at Fenway Park in his first public appearance since being shot

    Former Boston Red Sox player David Ortiz throws out a ceremonial first pitch before a baseball game in Boston's Fenway Park on Monday.

    (CNN)Boston Red Sox legend David Ortiz, making his first public appearance since being shot in the Dominican Republic earlier this year, threw out the ceremonial first pitch ahead of the Red Sox and New York Yankees game Monday at Fenway Park in Boston.

    Ortiz, who received a standing ovation from fans and players as he jogged onto the field, threw the pitch to his former teammate Jason Varitek. Ortiz addressed the crowd to thank his teammates and family for their support.
    Ortiz has been recovering from the wounds he suffered when a bullet passed through his lower back and perforated his intestines and lower organs on June 9.
      The former Red Sox designated hitter was not the intended target of the shooting at a Santo Domingo bar. The gunman meant to shoot the person sitting next to him in what turned out to be a botched $30,000 hit, authorities said.
        Ortiz, who spent 14 seasons with the Sox, helping the team win three World Series, retired from baseball in 2016.