Rapper Booba's video crew hurt in attack with guns and iron bars - CNN

Rapper Booba's video crew is attacked with guns and iron bars

Booba is one of France's best-known rappers.

(CNN)A group of people working on a music video for French rapper Booba have been attacked in a suburb of Paris.

The attack involved a shooting, according to the mayor's office in Aulnay-sous-Bois, the suburb in northeastern Paris where the attack took place.
Booba, 42, is one of France's best-known rappers and is currently filming a video for his song "Glaive," which means "sword" in English.
    Several people were injured in the attack, which involved guns, baseball bats and iron bars, according to the AFP news agency.
      A gang of around 15 people arrived at a disused warehouse in cars before storming the set of the music video as crew members were putting equipment away in the early hours of Wednesday, according to AFP.
      One man took a bullet to the thigh but his injuries are not life-threatening, while Booba was not present at the time of the attack, the agency reported, citing a police source.
      This isn't the first time that Booba -- birth name Elie Yaffa -- has been associated with a violent altercation.
        In August 2018, the rapper got into a brawl with fellow French rapper Kaaris at Paris' Orly airport. Both men served prison sentences as a result.
          Following their release, the pair have beefed online in anticipation of a planned MMA-style fight to settle their differences.
          The fight was scheduled for November in Switzerland, but Swiss authorities canceled the event last week, AFP reports.