Meghan and Kate dispel rift rumors, as baby Archie strengthens 'common bond' - CNN

Meghan and Catherine dispel rift rumors, as baby Archie strengthens 'common bond'

London (CNN)There's nothing like a baby to bring families together and the British monarchy is no exception. While rumors of a rift between the Duchesses of Cambridge and Sussex were just that, the palace never claimed the two women were close either.

Before Archie was born in May, a royal source told CNN the two women didn't hang out together but texted one another and were friendly -- "linked as they are by a common bond."
That bond appears to have developed since the Duke and Duchess of Sussex became parents. The royal moms have found more "in common," another royal source tells CNN now, adding that their relationship "has strengthened."
    The royal moms have found more "in common," a royal source tells CNN.,
    This was demonstrated by the pictures that emerged recently from a polo match where the families got together to watch Princes William and Harry play.
      The sisters-in-law appeared again together at the Wimbledon lady's tennis final where they were spotted laughing and chatting in a seemingly natural way. The fact the two women are appearing in public together at all is a statement itself in the context of royal communications.
      There's clearly an effort underway to dispel any suggestion that the two families don't get along. When the Sussexes moved out of Kensington Palace and established their own office, it was interpreted in some parts of the media as confirmation of a rift. But courtiers said at the time it was as much to do with the Cambridges needing their own household as it was about the Sussexes wanting more independence.
      Meghan holds Archie as she and Catherine attend a polo match in Wokingham last week.
      As William and Kate rise up the line of succession and eventually take the throne, they will need their own operation. They will also need to rely more on Harry and Meghan, who will be expected to take on additional official duties, even as they carve out their own public roles.
          That's why it matters that the two families get on. This isn't just regular family politics, it's about the very stability of the British monarchy.
          Unbeknown to him, baby Archie may be doing his bit for Queen and country already.