Meghan and Harry split from joint charity with William and Kate - CNN

Meghan and Harry split from joint charity with William and Kate

Meghan and Harry have more flexibility in their future roles, said royal aides.

London (CNN)Meghan and Harry, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, are formally splitting from the Royal Foundation, the body that co-ordinates their charitable work with William and Kate, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, it was announced Thursday.

Royal aides said the decision was a mutual one between all four royals, as the couples are on divergent paths. The Cambridges are taking on more formal and restrictive roles as future king and queen while the Sussexes have more flexibility.
    Aides denied rumors of a rift between the couples and pointed out they will continue appearing together at royal engagements and on shared passions such as the Heads Together mental health initiative.
      William and Kate will rename the original charity to the Royal Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
      William, Kate, Meghan and Harry pictured at the Church of St Mary Magdalene on the Sandringham estate on Christmas day in 2018.
      "These changes are designed to best complement the work and responsibilities of Their Royal Highnesses as they prepare for their future roles, and to better align their charitable activity with their new households," a statement from Kensington Palace read.
      It added that William and Kate will continue to build on past successes, but will also begin "developing new initiatives on the environment and support for children and families" which are expected to be announced later this year.