Royal baby watch: What to expect when - CNN

Royal baby announcement: What to expect when

Harry and Meghan have made the decision to keep the plans around the arrival of their baby private.

London (CNN)Harry and Meghan are the biggest star couple in the world right now and they accept their place in public life, as demonstrated when they allowed cameras into their momentous wedding last year.

When it comes to their children though, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are drawing a clear line on media access.
The palace issued a statement last month confirming, "Their Royal Highnesses have taken a personal decision to keep the plans around the arrival of their baby private. The Duke and Duchess look forward to sharing the exciting news with everyone once they have had an opportunity to celebrate privately as a new family."
    So, what official information can we expect to receive and when?

      Beeline for Windsor and Buckingham Palace

      Firstly, we expect to be informed when the duchess has gone into labor, at which point cameras from around the world will roll in to Windsor where the couple live, if they're not there already. Others will make a beeline for Buckingham Palace where they have their office.
      The next thing we will hear is that the baby has been born. The custom is to place the announcement card on an easel on the forecourt of the palace with the sex, weight and exact time of birth. We will also learn for the first time where the baby was born, whether that's at home in Windsor or in a hospital.
        CNN has learned that if the couple have committed to a name, that may also be included in the birth announcement, which goes against the tradition of waiting for a few days.

        An image that will go viral

        As far as titles are concerned that will be a matter for the Queen. If Her Majesty grants the same status as the Cambridges, the baby will be known as His/Her Royal Highness Prince/Princess X of Sussex. Otherwise, it could be a dukedom, a ladyship, or the couple may choose not to take a title at all as Princess Anne did for her children.
          Then there will be a break of a few days before the cameras are invited to capture the new family for the first time. Will Harry and Meghan say a few words? What we do know is that the images will go viral as the world ponders whether the baby takes after their mother's or father's side.
          We will also be keeping an eye on the Sussex's new Instagram feed for any updates, though they've tended to use that to promote their charitable work rather than their personal moments.