George Clooney involved in scooter accident in Italy - CNN

George Clooney involved in scooter accident in Italy

Rome (CNN)George Clooney has been released from an Italian hospital after being involved in a motor accident Tuesday.

The 57-year-old actor was thrown over the top of his scooter after being hit by a Mercedes in Olbia on the island of Sardinia.
Clooney told a friend it's "good to be alive" after the road accident.
    He told his friend, CNN contributor John Avlon, that he was going 65 mph when the other driver cut in front of him, hitting him head-on.
      Ambulance personnel tend to actor George Clooney after he was involved in a scooter accident Tuesday in Italy.
      The film star smashed the windshield with his head and flew 30 feet from the car, Avlon said Clooney relayed to him.
      The driver of the Mercedes hit Clooney after failing to stop at a turn, according to Alberto Cicognani, a Carabinieri officer.
      Cicognani told CNN he had spoken with Clooney, who said he was "fine" and would resume filming of a miniseries based on "Catch-22," the Joseph Heller book, in a couple of days.
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        Giovanni Mannoni, a police commander in Olbia, said the actor did not suffer any serious injuries or break any bones. He added that Clooney would be monitored by hospital staff as an outpatient for 20 days.
        According to Mannoni, the accident took place at 8:15 a.m. local time on the SS125, a street in the area of Olbia-Murta Maria.
        Clooney was escorted to the Giovanni Paolo II hospital in an ambulance and accompanied by police officers. No irregularities were found in a scan, and Clooney left the hospital at 10 a.m.
        Mannoni said police are looking into the causes of the accident.
          Clooney, who is married to human rights lawyer Amal Clooney, has a home on the Italian mainland at Lake Como.
          The star's rep released a statement saying, "George was treated and released from an Olbia hospital. He is recovering at home and will be fine."