Katinka HosszĂș: 'Races are settled' before swimmers have entered the pool - CNN

    Katinka HosszĂș: 'Races are settled before swimmers enter the pool'

    Katinka Hosszu: Meet swimming's newest star
    Katinka Hosszu: Meet swimming's newest star


      Katinka Hosszu: Meet swimming's newest star


    Katinka Hosszu: Meet swimming's newest star 03:16

    Budapest (CNN)The minutes tick away in swimming's equivalent of purgatory: it's the last call room.

    For some it must feel like hell. But for Hungary's Katinka HosszĂș this is a space of serenity. This is a space where she starts to embrace victory, drawing strength in her pursuit of gold.

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    Why? Because the 28-year-old believes races are defined by mentality, to the extent that they are largely settled before swimmers have even entered the pool.
      "I do believe that basically in the last call room before the race ... it's pretty much done," HosszĂș tells CNN Sport ahead of the 17th FINA World Championships, currently taking place in Budapest.
        "It depends what kind of mentality you go in with. I do believe that. It's about how ready you are ... after that, the race is going to happen exactly [as you imagine.]"
        As she moves from the last call room to the pool and the starting block, Hosszu's psychological preparation intensifies.
        "When I walk out, I don't even see the crowd," HosszĂș says. "I don't even hear anything. I usually listen to music, so I'm already in my zone. I have my lane, I have my black line, and that's it."

          Iron Lady

          HosszĂș, winner of three golds and a silver at Rio 2016, can justifiably lay claim to being one of the most versatile female swimmers of all time.
          While the majority can only dream of mastering a single stroke or distance, the Hungarian is the concurrent world record holder in all five individual medley events.
          The first swimmer of either gender to accumulate $1 million in race prize money, she was the undisputed choice for FINA Swimmer of the Year in 2014, 2015 and 2016.
          However, that success has been forged on the anvil of some tough times.
          HosszĂș left London 2012 brokenhearted and empty handed, having finished an arm's length outside of the medals in the 400 meters individual medley -- a result that would set the tone for the Games.
          "I was pretty much depressed," she admitted in an interview with NBC in 2015. "I wasn't even sure if I wanted to swim."
          Thanks to her husband Shane Tusup, a national backstroke swimmer at his peak, HosszĂș wasn't allowed to consider walking away for long.
          Having met as freshman at the University of California, Tusup replaced HosszĂș's coach Dave Solo and began spending every waking hour by her side.
          His fervent, occasionally unforgiving manner has attracted criticism, and HosszĂș herself has previously told CNN Sport "when he's on the pool deck, he's my coach, not my husband."
          But there's little doubt it's a partnership that works.
          Under Tusup, HosszĂș has undergone a similar subdivision of the self -- leaving the girl from Baja behind.
          "When I step on the block, you see the 'Iron Lady,' she explained. "Katinka HosszĂș is back in the hotel or home with her personal issues, but the 'Iron Lady' has no excuses and will fight to bring out my best."

          Grandfather's prediction

          On day one in Rio, HosszĂș shattered the women's 400m medley milestone of 4:28.3 set by China's Ye Shiwen in 2012.
          She had conquered her demons and won gold, reaching the pinnacle of her sport and fulfilling the prophecy of her grandfather, LĂĄszlĂł Bakos.
          "He put a lot of work into my swimming," says HosszĂș. "He was the one that told me, since I was four years old: 'You are going to be an Olympic champion.'
          Bakos had been her coach in their native Baja until the age of 13; over two decades on, Hosszu's journey was crystallized in a single gesture.
          "That one moment I was able to put all those medals around his neck," she smiles.
          "That was something that made my whole swimming career, and everything I ever went through, all worth it."
          Hungary gets ready for FINA championships
          hungary FINA championships macfarlane pkg_00015312

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            Hungary gets ready for FINA championships

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          Hungary gets ready for FINA championships 02:37
            Five years on, HosszĂș traveled to the 17th FINA World Championships, which started on July 14, in imperious form with the backing of the Budapest crowd.
            She looks forward to seeing her family and friends, but won't be taking anything for granted.