Putin critic Alexey Navalny released from jail early - CNN

Putin critic Alexey Navalny released from jail early

Putin critic Navalny takes message to Youtube
Putin critic Navalny takes message to Youtube


    Putin critic Navalny takes message to Youtube


Putin critic Navalny takes message to Youtube 02:42

(CNN)Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny has been released from prison early after serving 25 days of his month-long sentence, his press secretary said Friday.

The Putin critic was jailed on June 12 after being found guilty of repeatedly calling for unlawful protests.
His sentence came one day after anti-corruption demonstrations took place across Russia, in which nearly 1,400 people detained amid clashes with police and reports of tear gas use.
    Russian authorities had declared many of the June demonstrations illegal and had warned citizens to stay away or face consequences for participation.
      Navalny had been detained at his Moscow home before being able to attend a planned rally in the capital.
      Yulia Navalnaya, Navalny's wife, tweeted a photo of his June arrest ahead of a rally in Moscow.
      During his court hearing in June, Navalny defiantly praised protesters for hitting the streets.
      "I am very pleased that people came out, I am proud that I am a part of this movement in which brave, wonderful people, are not afraid to go out on the streets," he said. "Even under the threat of some detentions and so on."
        It was the second mass protest in the country this year. In March, thousands joined protests in almost 100 cities across Russia, angered by a report that Navalny published accusing Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev of corruption. Medvedev has denied the claims.
        Navalny was also arrested during March protests.
        Navalny was also arrested during the March protests and sentenced to 15 days for disobeying a police officer.

        Presidential ambitions stifled?

        41-year-old Navalny is hoping to challenge Russian President Vladimir Putin in next year's presidential election, but Russian law prohibits people convicted of crimes from running for office.
        Navalny was convicted on embezzlement charges in February and given a suspended sentence. The activist says the charges were politically motivated.
          Last month, the head of Russia's election commission told a local TV station last month that Navalny "has no chance of being registered for the election due to his previous conviction," Reuters reported.
          Navalny's release on Friday came as Putin was preparing to meet world leaders, including US President Donald Trump, at the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.