UK parliament: Man arrested on suspicion of knife possession - CNN

UK police arrest man near parliament on suspicion of carrying a knife

The man was arrested Friday on suspicion of possessing a knife.

London (CNN)A man in his 30s has been arrested near London's Houses of Parliament on suspicion of knife possession, London Metropolitan police said.

The man was detained at the Palace of Westminster on Friday in the heart of the British capital. CNN reporters at the scene saw the man being handcuffed and escorted into a police van by armed officers. He appeared calm at that point.
The arrest comes after two recent terror attacks rocked the country, including one at London Bridge and the nearby Borough market in which eight people were killed earlier this month.
    London Mayor Sadiq Khan announced an increased police presence after an attack outside Parliament on March 22.
      Khalid Masood stabbed a policeman to death near the gates of Parliament after he rammed a car into passersby on Westminster Bridge in that attack, which killed five people.