Londoners open doors to victims of apartment fire - CNN

Londoners offer tea, beds and showers to victims of apartment fire

(CNN)Almost immediately after reports emerged of a massive fire engulfing a 24-storey high-rise in West London on Wednesday morning, Londoners took to social media platforms offering whatever assistance they could to displaced strangers in their time of need.

Many had cups of tea ready for those affected, as well as free rides, safe spaces and toilets.
British singer Lily Allen was one of those who quickly jumped on Twitter as the tragedy was unfolding, writing: "If anyone need a bed or a lift, or tea tweet me and I'll follow back. #NorthKensington"
    Another singer, Rita Ora, said the fire happened in her neighborhood and "couldn't believe" what had happened. "I used to play in that block -- I want to do all I can to help," she wrote on Instagram.
      As emergencies services battle to extinguish the flames from the smoldering building, more offers of help are flooding in.
      Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver -- who owns a restaurant in the nearby Westfield shopping center -- is offering free food and drink to families affected by the fire.
        In community centers and churches in the area, donations are flooding in as volunteers work to redistribute necessities to victims. Many in the neighborhood are now wearing masks handed out by church volunteers as the air quality remains poor and smoke can still be seen billowing from the Grenfell tower block.

        Community spirit after the tragic London fire. People bringing donations in shopping carts. #London #cnn

        A post shared by Fred Pleitgen (@fpleitgencnn) on

        Local residents and businesses are opening mosques, fitness centers and their own homes for people in need of shelter and showers.
          Others have volunteered their own vehicles to provide lifts away from the area.
          And as thoughts turn to this evening, well-wishers are booking out nearby hotels so that the affected have a place to rest tonight.