Celebrities pay tribute to Manchester attack victims - CNN

Pop stars pay tribute to Ariana Grande concert attack victims

London (CNN)Celebrities took to Twitter to pay tribute and express their sympathy in the wake of a terror attack at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England on Monday evening that left at least 22 people dead and dozens injured.

Grande herself responded on the social media site in the hours after the attack -- writing that she was "broken" and didn't "have words."
Fellow singers including Katy Perry, Taylor Swift and Harry Styles were among those who tweeted their condolences.
    "My heart hurts for my sister, Ariana & every family affected by this tragic event in the U.K.," Nicki Minaj wrote. "Innocent lives lost. I'm so sorry to hear this".
      Liam Gallagher, the former Oasis singer who grew up in the city, wrote that the attack had left him "in total shock".
      Soccer stars Wayne Rooney, David Beckham and Cristiano Ronaldo, who have all played for Manchester United, also responded to the attack, with Beckham writing that he was saddened as a "father & a human".