'Not another one': Britain feels this woman's election fatigue - CNN

'Not another one': Britain feels this woman's election fatigue

Brenda from Bristol is not looking forward to the prospect of another election

(CNN)Democracy. A subject of debate for thousands of years. The struggle for universal enfranchisement a constant throughout history.

But one incredulous British woman has had enough.
"You're joking, not another one?" was her reaction when told by a BBC reporter that British Prime Minister Theresa May had called for a snap general election.
    "For god's sake. Honestly, I can't stand this. There's too much politics going on at the moment. Why does she need to do it?" asked the woman known, for now at least, as "Brenda from Bristol."
      If approved by parliament, the election will be Britain's third general election in seven years, and comes less than a year after a referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union.
      The feeling of election fatigue in the United Kingdom, it seems, is real.
        Brenda was lauded on social media as "the voice of the nation" and "Britain's best political commentator." -
          "Brenda," tweeted some, "is all of us."