Dogs set world record at Chicago White Sox game - CNN

    This record-breaking baseball game was also the cutest

    A dog trying to be people at the Sox game.

    Story highlights

    • White Sox set world record for dog attendance
    • This is a noble and worthwhile achievement

    (CNN)Dogs and baseball are two of the greatest things in the world, and the Chicago White Sox combined them both to record-breaking effect.

    Lots of baseball teams host "Bark in the Park" nights, where fans can bring their favorite dog friends to the stadium for a night (or day) of inter-species sports fun.
      The White Sox perfected this tradition when they set the WORLD RECORD for most dogs attending a sport event, which sounds like a made up thing but we'll let it slide because DOGS.
        According to the official canine tally, there were 1,122 doggos at Tuesday night's contest between the Sox and the Cleveland Indians. That's a lot! Frankly, thinking about it is a little overwhelming.
        Hundreds of fluffballs and puppers of all sorts cavorting around under an Indian summer sky while the greatest sport to ever be invented plays out in the middle of it all? That warm breeze you feel is Lady Liberty smiling at the true realization of the American dream.
          Anyway, the White Sox were pretty happy about it.
            For what it's worth, the Sox also won. It only seems right.