Meet the 'diplocats': Political pets in office

Meet the 'diplocats': Political pets in office

Published 1626 GMT (0026 HKT) July 29, 2016
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Say hello to Gladstone, the latest "diplocat" to join Britain's government offices. From Twitter/@BatterseaDogs&Cats
Gladstone's new job will be "chief mouser" at the UK Treasury. From Twitter/@PalmerstonFOCat
He will join Larry, official mouse catcher at Downing Street, the home of the British Prime Minister. Ki Price/WPA-Pool/Getty Images
The red carpet is rolled out for heads of state, dignitaries, and... Larry. LEON NEAL/AFP/Getty Images
Larry gets into the Royal Wedding spirit with a "Union Jack" bow tie in April 2011. James Glossop/WPA Pool/Getty Images
Gladstone will need to get to grips with his new neighbors. Here, Larry (left) squares off against Palmerston, the Foreign Office cat. Rob Pinney/London News Pictures/ZUMA PRESS
Much like Gladstone, Palmerston was also a stray cat recruited from the Battersea Dogs and Cats Home in south London. Stefan Rousseau/Press Association/ PA Wire
Before there was Larry, there was Sybil -- the pet of former chancellor Alistair Darling. Sybil was brought to Downing Street in 2007, the first cat to live in the famous residence for a decade. Clara Molden/AFP/Getty Images
In the U.S., Socks, the Clinton family's cat, entertained journalists during this press conference in 1994. JENNIFER YOUNG/AFP/AFP/Getty Images
Former President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton, along with Socks, spent time with children during a Christmas gathering at the White House in 1996.
Clinton chats with former New York Governor Governor Mario Cuomo, while daughter Chelsea Clinton cuddles Socks at the White House in 1993. ROBERT GIROUX/AFP/Getty Images
Socks is surrounded by photographers in 1992 -- will Gladstone also be able to handle the spotlight? MIKE NELSON/AFP/Getty Images