Donald Trump and Boris Johnson pucker up in street art - CNN

Sealed with a kiss: Donald Trump and Boris Johnson pucker up in street art

Story highlights

  • Mural of Trump, Johnson appears in Bristol
  • Painting depicts the two politicians kissing
  • It's a parody of a similar Berlin Wall mural from 1990

(CNN)Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and former London Mayor Boris Johnson have been immortalized in a romantic clinch in the UK.

A 15-foot mural featuring the two politicians has appeared on a derelict building in the southwest city of Bristol.
    Bristol has a rich street art history and is reputed to be the home of elusive graffiti artist Banksy.
      The text below the painting reads: "Not #InForThis? Register to vote on the EU Referendum now."
      Johnson is a figurehead for the UK campaign to leave the European Union. Trump has said he doesn't see why Britain would need the EU. The issue goes to voters on June 23.
      Who is Boris Johnson?
      london mayor boris johnson profile kellie morgan_00002701


        Who is Boris Johnson?


      Who is Boris Johnson? 01:43
        The presumptive Republican nominee recently weighed in on the debate in an interview with Piers Morgan, where he diverged from President Obama's stance.
        "I have no preference. I think if I were from Britain, I would probably not want it (to be part of the EU). I'd want to go back to a different system," said Trump. "Personally, in terms of Britain I'd would say 'What do you need it for?'"
        The Bristol street art is a parody of the famous 1990 Berlin Wall mural by artist Dmitri Vrubel which depicts Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev and East German leader Erich Honecker sharing a kiss. The message below reads: "My God, help me survive this deadly love."
          This isn't the first time Trump has been captured in a "love scene."
          Earlier this month, a mural appeared in Lithuania showing Trump and Vladimir Putin in a similar embrace.