Soldiers shoot man outside French mosque - CNN

Soldiers shoot man outside French mosque

Story highlights

  • A man drives vehicle toward soldiers guarding the mosque in Valence, France, authorities say
  • Soldiers wound the motorist

(CNN)Soldiers guarding a mosque in southeastern France shot and wounded a man who drove his vehicle toward them, authorities said Friday.

The man's motives in the Valence incident are unknown, according to a statement from Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian and Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve. He was arrested and hospitalized.
    A 72-year-old passerby was hospitalized after a stray round from soldiers struck him in the calf, Mayor Nicolas Daragon told CNN affiliate BFMTV.
      "It seems like it was an isolated incident, Daragon said. "The man was alone. He is not from Valence. There was no weapon in the car."
      One soldier injured in the leg was taken to a hospital, the statement said.
        Imam Abdallah Dliouah of the grand mosque of Valence condemned the attack and thanked the soldiers.
          "As we are awaiting for the results of the investigation, we wish to reaffirm that this act, despite its severity, will not erode our determination to promote living together, as we have always done," the imam said.