Hannah White: Adventurer tackles women's speed record

Hannah White: Adventurer tackles women's speed record

Published 1028 GMT (1828 HKT) July 22, 2015
hannah white flying sunsethannah white flying sunset
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Hannah White is bidding to become the fastest woman on water using only wind power. Anthony Cullen
The Briton plans to tackle the record attempt at London's City Airport in February. Speedbird
Remarkably, White had not even sailed a moth dinghy six months ago, let alone have any aspirations to be the fastest woman to travel in one. Anthony Cullen
Her boat was designed by David Chisholm, an ex-Boeing and F1 engineer, who came up with the creation in his garden shed. Speedbird
White has already attempted one record by being the fastest person across the English Channel. Anthony Cullen
She achieved the feat in a time of three hours and 44 minutes, all part of her long-term record attempt. Anthony Cullen
The London-based adventurer is best known for her TV work commentating on the Extreme Sailing Series and the America's Cup. Anthony Cullen
When the Extreme Sailing Series came to Cardiff, White took her boat onto the water in the nearby harbor. Anthony Cullen
The boat is small enough that it can be folded away and transported on the roof of her car. Anthony Cullen
White feels like she has been on a crash-course with regards to the science behind her boat and the record attempt. Anthony Cullen
And there have been no shortage of crashes in training -- she says one in every three runs tends to end like that. Anthony Cullen
But White has not been deterred and, with regularly training, is confident the record will be hers. Speedbird