Iain Percy and Andrew Simpson: Friends on and off the water

Iain Percy and Andrew Simpson: Friends on and off the water

Published 0958 GMT (1758 HKT) May 8, 2015
percy simpson london 2012 silverpercy simpson london 2012 silver
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Olympic sailing champions Iain Percy and Andrew "Bart" Simpson (right) were childhood friends and enjoyed their greatest successes together. WILLIAM WEST/AFP/GettyImages
Simpson tragically died two years ago during a training exercise in San Francisco Bay for the 2013 America's Cup, as a crew member for Percy's Artemis Racing entrant. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
The high-speed AC72 capsized, trapping Simpson under the hull. Here a crane lifts the stricken vessel out of the dock. Josh Edelson/Getty Images/File
The British duo won gold in the Star class at Beijing 2008 while close friend Ben Ainslie (far right) -- now Percy's America's Cup rival -- triumphed in the Finns. Clive Mason/Getty Images
Percy says Simpson's Olympic spirit remains a major driving force to everything Artemis Racing does in the America's Cup. Paul Gilham/Getty Images
Percy admits he is still struggling to get over the tragedy, two years on from cradling a dying Simpson in his arms. Clive Mason/Getty Images