Mexican citizen interrupts Malala's Nobel ceremony - CNN

Mexican citizen interrupts Malala's Nobel ceremony in Norway

Oslo police say they arrested a Mexican citizen who interrupted the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony Wednesday.

Story highlights

  • Norway police say the Mexican national was not an official guest at the ceremony
  • He made it past security but was not armed, a police spokesman says
  • A young man held a Mexican flag steps from Malala Yousafzai
A man carrying a Mexican flag interrupted Wednesday's Nobel Peace Prize ceremony, standing steps away from Malala Yousafzai as she received her award.
Video of the event in Oslo, Norway, shows a young man with a camera around his neck holding a Mexican flag on the stage just a few feet from Yousafzai. He can be seen turning toward the 17-year-old Nobel Laureate and heard shouting "Please Malala" and mentioning Mexico.
Oslo police said the Mexican citizen was not a guest at the ceremony and had managed to go through security checkpoints. He was not carrying a weapon, the police spokesman said.
Common struggle for Peace Prize Laureates
Common struggle for Peace Prize Laureates


    Common struggle for Peace Prize Laureates


Common struggle for Peace Prize Laureates 03:08
Mexico's Foreign Ministry confirmed in a statement that Norwegian police had detained a Mexican citizen after an interruption during the ceremony. He remains in custody, the foreign ministry said.