Malaysia Airlines: 2 dogs among casualties of jet crash - CNN

Malaysia Airlines: Cargo manifest shows 2 dogs among casualties of jet crash

Story highlights

  • Also tucked away in the cargo section were four pigeons and five other birds
  • Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crashed Thursday in eastern Ukraine
  • It was carrying 298 people of various nationalities, including Americans and Dutch
A cargo manifest showed that two dogs were among the casualties of the doomed Malaysian jet that fell from the sky in eastern Ukraine this week.
Also tucked away in the cargo section were four pigeons and five other birds of an undetermined breed.
The document described the animals as "live" at the time of check-in. No more information was immediately available.
Non-living items on board included aircraft parts, diplomatic papers and flowers, according to a cargo manifest released by Malaysia Airlines.
Freelance journalist describes MH17 site
Freelance journalist describes MH17 site


    Freelance journalist describes MH17 site


Freelance journalist describes MH17 site 02:23
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 tore apart Thursday in the sky over Torez.
A surface-to-air missile, possibly fired by pro-Russian rebels, took down the jetliner as it traveled from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, the United States said.
The plane had 298 people aboard, including 80 children, the United Nations said. Debris and bodies remain strewn across the countryside in eastern Ukraine.
Two days after the jet crashed, some bodies remained strapped in seat belts.