Court orders damages for actress over Hollande affair report - CNN

Court orders damages for actress over Hollande affair report

Photographs in Closer magazine violated Julie Gayet's right to privacy.
The publisher of a French tabloid has to pay a French actress 15,000 euros ($20,645) for photographs of her and President Francois Hollande that it said proved the two were having an affair.
The decision Thursday by the Nanterre court, near Paris, found that the photographs in Closer magazine violated Julie Gayet's right to privacy, a court official told CNN.
Closer, owned by Mondadori publishing company, caused a political firestorm in France January 10 when it published images purporting to show Hollande and Gayet arriving at a Paris apartment and alleged they were having an affair.
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Gayet's lawyer had asked the court to order Mondadori to pay 50,000 euros in damages.
Hollande, who did not confirm or deny the reports of an affair, announced soon after the photos were published that he and first lady Valerie Trierweiler were separating.
Actress Julie Gayet suing over Hollande affair allegations, Closer magazine says