Legal swing

Legal swing

Updated 1329 GMT (2129 HKT) November 15, 2013
Golf lawGolf law
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Rory McIlroy was all smiles when he is unveiled as a Nike ambassador in January 2013, but he now is involved in a legal battle with his former management company over its commission on the multimillion-dollar deal. Andrew Redington/Getty Images
Tiger Woods has succeeded McIlroy as world No. 1 after a difficult season for the Northern Irish golfer, who has had troubles on and off the course.
Philippe Lopez/AFP/Getty Images
Irish amateur golfer Thomas Talbot issued a lawsuit against his former club when it reduced his handicap. The 75-year-old lost the action and was left with massive legal fees. Courtesy Irish Independent
Casey Martin won a lengthy legal battle to be allowed to use a golf cart during PGA Tour tournaments. Martin suffered from a debilitating condition which limited his ability to walk. Getty Images
American tycoon Donald Trump had to fight off legal challenges to his championship golf course in Aberdeenshire in Scotland, which was unpopular with some local residents. Getty Images
Donald Trump Jr. speaks to the media after the first day of a court hearing in Edinburgh on November 12. His father is challenging a Scottish Government decision to allow an offshore wind farm near his championship golf course resort. Jeff Mitchell/Getty Images
Former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice was one of two women finally admitted as members at the previously male-only Augusta National, after a long battle by anti-discrimination campaigners. Here she shares a moment with golf legend Arnold Palmer. Mike Ehrmann/Getty Image