Roy Keane hits back at Alex Ferguson - CNN

    Alex Ferguson has had his say, now it's Roy Keane's turn

    Story highlights

    • Roy Keane hits back at criticism from former manager Alex Ferguson
    • Former Manchester United manager's book was unveiled yesterday
    • In his latest book, Ferguson lets fly at a number of his ex players
    • Irishman Keane says Ferguson lacks the loyalty he demands from players
    The release of Alex Ferguson's autobiography was always likely to ruffle a few feathers, with the recently retired Manchester United manager aiming barbs at a number of his high profile former stars.
    Cue backlash, with Roy Keane first out of the blocks.
    A former United captain signed by Alex Ferguson in 1993, Keane was one player who was criticized fiercely by the Scotsman in his latest autobiography, which is published on Thursday.
    In charge of the Old Trafford club for 27 years, Ferguson details a "horrendous" confrontation following an interview Keane gave to the club's MUTV television channel lambasting his teammates which ultimately led to the midfielder's departure from United.
    Irishman Keane questioned why Ferguson was unable to display the same fideltiy he had demanded from his charges.
    "I do remember having conversations with the manager when I was at the club about loyalty," Keane, who left United under a cloud in 2005, told British broadcaster ITV.
    "In my opinion I don't think he knows the meaning of the word.
    "It doesn't bother me too much what he has to say about me but to constantly criticize other players at the club who brought him a lot of success I find very, very strange. But I certainly won't be losing any sleep over it."
    Ferguson's latest book is a follow on from his first memoir, entitled "Managing My Life", which was released in 1999.
    Keane has questioned why, in both books, Ferguson felt it necessary to criticize many of the players who helped him win 38 trophies during his time at Manchester United.
    Other players likely to be irked by what they read in Ferguson's new book are current United star Wayne Rooney -- "not the quickest learner" according to his former manager -- and David Beckham, who he claims was distracted by his fame away from the football pitch.
    "I'm not sure how many books he's written now, but you have to draw the line eventually and say 'Listen, these players have all been top servants to Man United and a lot of these players helped the manager win lots of trophies,'" added Keane.
    "Can you imagine if we had never won a trophy what he would have said? We brought success to the club, we gave it everything we had when we were there.
    "It's just part of modern life now, people like to do books and criticize their ex players."
    The good news for Keane is that in another interview with Channel 4 News, Ferguson promised he wouldn't be writing any more books about his time at United.