Greece's state broadcaster back after shut-down in June - CNN

Greece's state broadcaster back after shut-down in June

Employees secure a protest banner at the entrance to the headquarters of the Greek public broadcaster ERT in Athens, Greece.

Story highlights

  • Greek broadcaster ERT is back on the air
  • The government said it shut down the broadcaster to save money
  • In June, the country's top court ordered the government to restart ERT
Greece state broadcaster ERT is back on the air after being shut down by the government in June.
The government, facing severe economic problems, had said earlier it decided to close the broadcaster while it created a smaller operation to cut costs. That prompted protests, and the European Broadcast Union president urged Greece to reconsider.
In June, the country's top court ordered the government to restart ERT.
The new signal is airing only old movies and documentaries, not live programs, according to government spokesman Simos Kedikoglou.
Live broadcasts will be made later, Kedikoglou said.
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Greece secures bailout deal with Troika


    Greece secures bailout deal with Troika


Greece secures bailout deal with Troika 02:14
ERT had earlier said the decision to shut down the broadcaster meant 2,656 employees would lose their jobs.
On Wednesday, employees still seemed very upset. They were holding a sit-in at ERT headquarters, lambasting what they called "a fake imitation ERT."