Sources: Deputy speaker of British Parliament questioned in rape case - CNN

Sources: Deputy speaker of British Parliament questioned in rape case

Nigel Evans, seen her in 2011, was arrested on suspicion of rape and sexual assault on May 4.

Story highlights

  • The allegations involve two men in their 20s, the police say
  • Nigel Evans was arrested on Saturday, a source says
  • Lancashire police have not confirmed the identify of the man they arrested
  • Evans was elected deputy speaker of the House of Commons in 2010
The deputy speaker of Britain's House of Commons, Nigel Evans, was arrested Saturday in northwest England on suspicion of rape and sexual assault, a source familiar with the arrest told CNN.
Lancashire police did not confirm the identity of the man, but they said they had released a 55-year-old man on bail after questioning him Saturday over offenses alleged by two men in their 20s.
One man alleged he was raped and, in a separate incident, another other man alleged he was sexually assaulted, a police spokesperson told CNN by telephone.
The offenses are alleged "to have been committed in Pendleton between July 2009 and March 2013," according to a statement released by police.
The man was ordered to appear at the police station on June 19, according to the police spokesperson.
British Prime Minister David Cameron has been made aware of the arrest, said another source, who also spoke on condition of anonymity.
Evans, who is 55, has been a conservative member of parliament since 1992. He served as vice chairman of the Tory Party between 1999 and 2001.
He was elected deputy speaker of the House of Commons in 2010.
Evans came out as gay during a newspaper interview in late 2010, and has since made a name for himself as a prominent gay rights activist in England.
Evans did not immediately return a telephone call from CNN seeking comment.