The royal lines

The royal lines

Updated 1126 GMT (1926 HKT) June 19, 2014
01 felipe 061901 felipe 0619
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Spain's King Felipe VI, left, promises a monarchy for "new times" following the abdication of his father, Juan Carlos. Here, father and son attend a ceremony Thursday, June 19, in Madrid before the new king's official coronation. Click through to see other European royal heirs: Zipi/EFE/Pool Getty Images
Willem-Alexander becomes King of the Netherlands on April 30 after the abdication of his mother, Beatrix, center. His wife, Queen Máxima, accompanies them to a dinner in Amsterdam before Beatrix officially steps down. Pool/Getty Images
Prince Daniel, center, pictured with his wife Crown Princess Victoria, is the heir to King Carl Gustav of Sweden. Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images
Norway's Crown Prince Haakon, left, and Crown Princess Mette-Marit, second left, are next in line behind King Harald and Queen Sonja. Fredrik Varfjell/AFP/GettyImages
Crown Prince Philippe, right, is the heir to King Albert II of Belgium. NICOLAS MAETERLINCK/AFP/GettyImages
Left to right: Denmark's Crown Princess Mary and Crown Prince Frederik are next in line behind Prince Consort Henrik and Queen Margrethe. Jens Norgaard Larsen/AFP/Getty Images