Britain extradites terror suspect to United States - CNN

Britain extradites terror suspect to United States

A file image of an armed police officer standing outside Belmarsh prison and Law Courts, August 8, 2005.

Story highlights

  • Pakistani national will make initial court appearance on Monday
  • U.S. officials say he was involved in conspiracy to attack targets in U.S., Europe
  • U.S. authorities want him to stand trial on terrorism-related charges
  • He is accused of providing support to a foreign terrorist organization
Britain extradited a man wanted by U.S. authorities in connection with alleged terrorism offenses Thursday, police in London said, more than two years after he was detained.
Abid Naseer, 26, was put on a plane bound for the United States at Luton Airport, north of London, after having been handed over to U.S. officials.
He will make his first appearance in a U.S. court in Brooklyn, New York, on Monday, the Department of Justice said in a statement to the media.
Naseer, a Pakistani national, was arrested in northern England in July 2010 by British police officers acting on a provisional extradition arrest warrant issued at the request of the U.S. government.
U.S. authorities say Naseer was part of a group that was planning terrorist attacks in 2009 in the United States and Europe.
He had been held at London's high-security Belmarsh prison since his arrest, London's Metropolitan Police said.
U.S. authorities want him to stand trial on charges of providing material support to al Qaeda, conspiracy to provide material support to such an organization and conspiracy to use a destructive device.
His extradition was approved by a British judge in 2011. American officials promised to return Naseer to Britain if he is acquitted in the United States.
He faces up to life in prison if he is convicted, the Justice department said.