10 injured after Oklahoma State beats Sooners - CNN

    10 injured after Oklahoma State beats Sooners

    Oklahoma State football fans celebrate on the field after a 44-10 victory over rival Oklahoma on Saturday.

    Story highlights

    • An OSU student remained hospitalized Sunday night in guarded condition
    • Most of the injuries involved trampling as fans rushed the field
    • Oklahoma State beat rival Oklahoma 44-10 in the game
    A raucous on-field celebration following Oklahoma State's trouncing of football rival Oklahoma left 10 people injured, including an OSU student who remained hospitalized Sunday night.
    The melee occurred after Oklahoma State beat Oklahoma 44-10 at home in Stillwater on Saturday night to clinch the Big 12 conference title and a possible shot at the college football national championship. The crowd filled the field and tore down a goalpost at the stadium at the game's end, but several people were hurt as they jumped onto the field, university officials said.
    Gary Shutt, Oklahoma State's communications director, said the OSU student and another person who had been treated for an unspecified medical condition in the second half of the game were in guarded but stable condition at an Oklahoma City hospital. Eight others were treated in Stillwater, including two who were admitted with ankle fractures, he said.
    Michael Authement, director of operations for LifeNet EMS Services, said most of the injuries involved people getting trampled in the rush.
    Managing chaotic crowds at sports games
    Managing chaotic crowds at sports games


      Managing chaotic crowds at sports games


    Managing chaotic crowds at sports games 03:46
    In a statement issued late Sunday, OSU President Burns Hargis said officials warned fans not to try to jump onto the field after the game.
    "Our policy is that no unauthorized persons are allowed on the field at any time. It is clear. We stated the policy in a public address announcement toward the end of the game." Hargis said.
    He praised police who tried to keep the swarm from reaching the field, and said the school is "concerned about everyone" who was hurt.
    "Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone."