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Meet CNN Hero Carrie Meghie
Carrie Meghie spent nearly 10 months, all day and every day, with her firstborn son Jackson in the NICU racking up expenses, which led her to start a program in his honor.
02:15 - Source: CNN
2016 CNN Heroes 10 videos
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Meet CNN Hero Carrie Meghie
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- Source: CNN
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CNN Hero Cathryn Couch
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- Source: CNN
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Meet CNN Hero Davie Duke
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- Source: CNN
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CNN Hero Nicholas Marchesi: Rolling suds machine
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Meet CNN Hero Nancy Gianni
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- Source: CNN
CNN Hero Paula Claussen
Meet CNN Hero Paula Claussen
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Meet CNN Hero Shara Fisler
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CNN Hero Marquis Taylor: Coaching for a change
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- Source: CNN
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CNN Hero Brandon Chrostowski: Another chance at life
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- Source: CNN
Veronika Scott's nonprofit group has made and distributed more than 15,000 free coats for the homeless nationwide and around the world.
CNN Hero Veronika Scott
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- Source: CNN