CNN  — 

To call Boris Johnson outspoken might be the understatement of the year. Britain’s new foreign secretary has a reputation for colorful language. It extends beyond gaffes to out and out insults about other countries and their leaders. Here are just some of the verbal grenades he’s thrown at nations he’ll now have to deal with as Britain’s top diplomat.

He said people in Papua New Guinea eat other people!

Boris on Papua

His comment about the Democratic Republic of Congo was cringe-worthy.

Boris on Congo

Heck, he insulted the entire continent of Africa.

Boris on Africa

He compared Russia’s president to a creature in “Harry Potter.”

Boris on Russia

His limerick about the Turkish president won him 1st place in a poetry competition.

Boris on Turkey

Johnson had nothing good to say about China either.

Boris on China

And he turned heads when he insulted the entire Commonwealth.

Boris on the UK

And Johnson certainly has no love for American politicians.

Boris on Obama
Boris on Bush
Boris on Clinton
Boris on Trump