Trump-Kim summit 2019: Live updates

President Trump meets with Kim Jong Un

By Ben Westcott, James Griffiths, Meg Wagner and Veronica Rocha, CNN

Updated 5:55 a.m. ET, February 28, 2019
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5:53 a.m. ET, February 28, 2019

What Trump said after Kim talks broke down

From CNN's James Griffiths

President Donald Trump spoke to reporters in Hanoi after talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ended early with no agreement.

Here are the top lines from his news conference:

Sticking points were "about sanctions"

Responding to a question about whether it was North Korea's desire to see the back of sanctions which derailed talks, Trump said it was. 

"Basically they wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety, and we couldn't do that," he said. 

"He wants to denuke, he just wants to do areas that are less important than what we want," Trump said of Kim. 

He added that ultimately the breakdown of the summit "was about sanctions."

Trump's relationship with Kim still "very warm"

Trump said his relationship with Kim was still "very warm" and insisted that the meeting didn't end contentiously but with "a very friendly walk."

"This wasn't a walk away like you get up and walk out," Trump added.

Trump said he took Kim's word on Otto Warmbier

Trump said he regretted what happened to US citizen Otto Warmbier, who was detained in North Korea for 17 months before being returned to the US in 2017, where he died days later.

Warmbier's parents have accused the North Korean government of torturing their son and causing his death.

Trump said he discussed the issue with Kim, and said "I don't believe he would allow that to happen."

"Those prisons are rough, rough places, and bad things happen," he added. "I don't believe he knew about it, he felt badly about it, he felt very badly."

He added that while Kim "knew the case very well," he knew about it "later." 

"Some really bad things happened to Otto," Trump said. 

"(Kim) tells me he didn't know about it and I will take him at his word."

He blasted Democrats for scheduling Cohen testimony during summit

"I think having a fake hearing like that and having it in the middle of this very important summit was really a terrible thing," Trump said. "Having it during this very important summit is sort of incredible."

Trump said while Cohen "lied a lot," he was "impressed" by one thing: "He said no collusion with the Russian hoax."

"I said, 'I wonder why he didn't lie about that too like he lied about everything else,'" Trump said.

Trump continued: "He said no collusion and I was you know a little impressed by that frankly. He could have gone all out. He only went about 95% instead of 100%."

5:18 a.m. ET, February 28, 2019

South Korea: "Regrettable" Trump and Kim unable to reach agreement

From CNN's Sophie Jeong in Hanoi

South Korea has reacted to the breakdown in talks between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Vietnam.

Here's the Blue House's full statement:

It is regrettable that President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un were unable to reach complete agreement at their summit today. However, it seems clear that they have made more meaningful progress than at any time prior.
We note that the two leaders have expanded the scope and depth of their understanding of each other’s positions through in-depth and long discussions.
In particular, President Trump’s expressed commitment to continuing talks and optimistic views brighten the prospects for another summit. 
The fact that President Trump unveiled his intentions to lift or alleviate the sanctions on North Korea in accordance with its denuclearization measures shows that the discussions between North Korea and the United States have been raised to a new level. 
We hope that the United States and North Korea will continue to have active dialogues on various levels going forward on the basis of the discussion results from this summit.  
The Korean Government will do all it can to ensure that the United States and North Korea can maintain momentum for dialogue while continuing their close communication and cooperation.
4:41 a.m. ET, February 28, 2019

What happened in Hanoi?

From CNN's James Griffiths

Just joining us? Here's what you missed.

President Donald Trump has left Vietnam, after a second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ended with no agreement.

The first signs things weren't going to plan came when the two leaders were late for a scheduled working lunch.

Reporters who had been called to cover the event, one of several brief opportunities to ask questions of the two leaders, were told instead Trump and Kim would be heading back to their respective hotels.

Trump's press conference was brought forward by two hours, replacing what should have been a signing ceremony attended by both leaders.

Shortly beforehand, the White House released a statement saying the talks had ended with no agreement reached.

At the presser, Trump said this was because of a disagreement over sanctions relief. He remained optimistic for further progress in the future, but said "sometimes you have to walk away."

That's what he's now done, heading back to Washington, where the drama from his former lawyer Michael Cohen's testimony before Congress awaits him.

Meanwhile, Kim remains in Vietnam, where he is due to begin an official state visit Friday.

Trump has promised to phone South Korean President Moon Jae-in on his way back to the US, and also to brief Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the failed talks.

Watch: Trump, Pompeo discuss what happened

3:52 a.m. ET, February 28, 2019

Trump leaves Vietnam

From CNN's James Griffiths

Air Force One is wheels up in Hanoi, with President Trump on board heading back to Washington, after his summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ended abruptly with no agreement reached between the two sides.

3:58 a.m. ET, February 28, 2019

Summit offers Hanoi artists inspiration – and a quick buck

From CNN's Oscar Holland

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Getty Images

The Trump-Kim summit may have yielded little politically. But in the host city of Hanoi, quick-thinking artists were taking inspiration -- and, in some cases, made sales -- from the buzz surrounding the meeting.

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Getty Images

3:23 a.m. ET, February 28, 2019

China says it will wait to hear from the US and North Korea

From CNN's Lily Lee in Beijing

China says it will evaluate the Hanoi summit after "hearing authoritative voices" from North Korea and the United States, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang told reporters Thursday.

Lu’s remarks came shortly after an abrupt end to a second summit between President Trump and North Korea leader Kim Jong Un in Hanoi.

"Everyone has learned from the experience of the past half century that the resolution of the Korean Peninsula issue cannot be achieved overnight," Lu said.

"China hopes that (North Korea) and the United States will continue to carry out dialogues to solve problems, earnestly respect each other's legitimate concerns, and continue to show mutual sincerity," Lu added.

3:16 a.m. ET, February 28, 2019

Some look to Congress to deliver Korean peace agreement after summit ends in no deal

From CNN's James Griffiths

President Trump and North Korean leader Kim’s latest summit ended in no agreement, dashing hopes they would sign a peace treaty officially ending the Korean War, which finished in stalemate and armistice in 1953. But there will be renewed attention on an effort by US lawmakers to force the matter.

This week, Representative Ro Khanna, along with eighteen Democratic Members of Congress, introduced a resolution calling for a final settlement of the Korean War, now officially in its 68th year. 

Christine Ahn, a peace activist and founder of Women Cross DMZ, said Thursday the move was "so important, now more than ever."

"We cannot allow peace (between) two countries at war for 70 years to be scrapped by two men," she said.

In a statement, the Korea Peace Network, which has supported Khanna's resolution, said "failure to reach an agreement should not be taken as a sign that diplomacy is not working."

"Diplomacy has done far more to advance the security of the US and the Korean Peninsula than economic coercion and threats of military force. Diplomacy takes time and obviously much more work remains to be done," said the group's president, Kevin Martin.

"Members of Congress can help guide the process in a more productive direction moving forward by supporting Rep. Ro Khanna’s new legislation calling for the signing of a peace agreement and other important steps to advance the goals of peace and a denuclearized Korean Peninsula."

3:03 a.m. ET, February 28, 2019

Former US diplomat says summit speaks to a "lack of preparation"

Joseph Yun, a former US top diplomat on North Korea, said the abrupt ending to the summit speaks to a "lack of preparation."

"You know, I've been to many summits. Usually they involve so much working level work and in fact an agreement is a foregone conclusion. This time we saw very little preparation and I worried about that. And we talk about Singapore not having substance but at least Singapore will lay foundation. So we were looking at something. And as you pointed out, the administration we're lowering the bar every day and yet they couldn't meet that," he said.

Yun said he thinks the "drama in Washington" might have played a role. 

"If you're Kim Jong Un, you're watching this. You know. You're saying is this what he's telling me? That we have a great future, great relations? Is this kabuki or what? You have to think he is -- he is also thinking about stepping back a bit. 

See his remarks:

2:51 a.m. ET, February 28, 2019

Trump: No current plans for third summit with North Korea

From CNN's Allie Malloy and Kevin Liptak

President Trump said he has not committed to a third summit between himself and North Korea's Kim Jong Un, while holding a press conference in Hanoi.  

"We'll see if it happens, it happens," Trump said adding he has not committed to another. 

Trump, speaking to reporters, said he secured a continued commitment from Kim during a Wednesday dinner to cease missile and nuclear testing.

"He’s not going to do testing of rockets and nuclear," Trump said. "I trust him and I take him at his word. I hope that’s true."

Despite that vow, Trump left Hanoi without a joint agreement with the North Korean dictator.