trump biden split
CNN  — 

Former Vice President Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by a significant 12-point margin nationally, according to a CNN Poll of Polls released Monday.

Biden garners 52% support among registered voters, with 40% supporting Trump.

The poll of polls includes the five most recent national telephone polls measuring the views of registered voters. The polls were all taken as coronavirus cases in the United States continue to rise, and the President maintains that the situation is under control while calling for a complete reopening of the economy and schools.

The ongoing outbreak is giving Biden a big advantage in the general election, with recent polling showing voter preference for his approach to the issue.

Almost 3 in 10 (29%) of voters in a Fox News poll released Sunday said coronavirus is the most important issue facing the country, well ahead of any other issue named by poll respondents. Fifteen percent of respondents said the economy is the most important issue and 10% said it was issues surrouding race relations, race issues and the police.

A majority in the polls released find Americans overall trust Biden over Trump to handle the coronavirus outbreak. Fifty-four percent say they trust Biden while 34% trust Trump, a 20-point edge, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Approval of Trump’s handling of coronavirus has also gone down – 37% of voters approved and 59% disapproved, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll last week. In June, 43% voters approved of his handling of the pandemic while 55% disapproved.

The CNN Poll of Polls is an average of the five most recent non-partisan, live operator, national telephone surveys on the general election matchup between Biden and Trump among registered voters. The poll of polls includes results from the Fox News poll conducted July 12-15, the Washington Post-ABC News poll conducted July 12-15, the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll conducted July 9-12, the Quinnipiac University poll conducted July 9-13 and the Monmouth University poll conducted June 26-30. The poll of polls does not have a margin of sampling error.