Pecker says he would send articles to Cohen before they were published

Second day of testimony wraps in Trump hush money trial

From CNN's Jeremy Herb, Lauren del Valle and Kara Scannell in the courthouse

Updated 6:28 p.m. ET, April 23, 2024
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12:23 p.m. ET, April 23, 2024

Pecker says he would send articles to Cohen before they were published

David Pecker said he wanted to clarify how the system between the National Enquirer and Michael Cohen worked.

“When we were preparing an article, we’d communicate what we were doing at the direction of the article from Michael Cohen, and we would also send him the PDFs of the story before it was published,” he testified.

12:55 p.m. ET, April 23, 2024

In just 2 hours on the stand, Pecker establishes key points in prosecution's case

From CNN's Katelyn Polantz

In fewer than two hours on the stand in total, David Pecker already has established crucial key points that are likely important for prosecutors in proving their case to the jury.

Those include:

  • The "mutually beneficial relationship" between Trump and the National Enquirer
  • Trump was "cautious" and "frugal" in his handling of money — so much so he personally reviewed invoices and signed checks, as Pecker testified that he witnessed Trump do in person
  • Trump and Michael Cohen's contact with Trump increased significantly once Trump began running for president, though their relationship went back years
  • Trump, Cohen and Pecker had an in-person meeting in August 2015 where the agreement was generally made: Pecker would be "eyes and ears" of Trump's 2016 campaign and notify Cohen if women selling negative stories about Trump emerged, he has testified to the jury. Cohen could then find a way to kill the story. This is much of the mechanics of the Stormy Daniels and other hush money pay-offs and "catch and kill" schemes in 2016 for Trump, of which prosecutors say led to Trump falsifying his payments to Cohen and his business ledger.
  • How key Cohen was to Trump's attempts to manipulate media coverage during the 2016 campaign
12:21 p.m. ET, April 23, 2024

Prosecutors show negative headlines National Enquirer ran on Trump's opponents

Prosecutor Joshua Steinglass is now showing David Pecker some of the negative stories about Donald Trump's opponents that the National Enquirer ran.

Among them are:

  • From October 7, 2015: "Bungling surgeon Ben Carson left sponge in patient's brain!"
  • From February 12, 2016: "Ted Cruz shamed by porn star"

Pecker said that while they were preparing an article like the one on Cruz, they would communicate with Michael Cohen.

12:20 p.m. ET, April 23, 2024

Jurors turn their heads back and forth from Pecker to prosecutor as testimony continues

David Pecker is speaking toward the jury. Many of the jurors' heads are turning to look at Pecker as he answers questions and then ping-pong back toward the prosecutor as he asks the next question.

12:18 p.m. ET, April 23, 2024

Cohen seemed to have informal role in Trump campaign, Pecker says

David Pecker testified that Michael Cohen told him that he "wasn't part of the campaign" and instead was "on the outside" as Donald Trump's personal attorney.

However, Pecker said said Cohen seemed to have an informal role in the campaign, or he "injected himself into it."

"Michael was physically in every aspect of whatever the campaign was working on, at least at Trump Organization at Trump Tower, at least when he was physically there," Pecker said.

12:27 p.m. ET, April 23, 2024

Pecker testifies that Cohen would call him up and ask to run negative stories on Trump's political opponents

David Pecker is explaining how Michael Cohen played a role in the negative stories that the National Enquirer ran about Trump's political opponents.

"Michael Cohen would call me and say, 'We would like you to run a negative article on a certain' — let’s say for argument sake — on Ted Cruz then he — Michael Cohen — would send me information about Ted Cruz or Ben Carson or Marco Rubio, and that was the basis of our story and then we would embellish it from there," he testifies.

12:14 p.m. ET, April 23, 2024

Jury shown National Enquirer articles praising Trump

The jury is now seeing a series of National Enquirer articles praising Donald Trump.

Per a defense request, Judge Juan Merchan instructed the jury that the exhibit is being entered for the limited purpose of showing that the articles were published and when — but they are not in evidence for any other purpose.

12:12 p.m. ET, April 23, 2024

Prosecutors are scrolling through a series of magazine headlines

Prosecutors are scrolling through a series of headlines from the National Enquirer.

Among them: "Donald Trump: 'Healthiest individual ever elected!"

12:11 p.m. ET, April 23, 2024

Pecker says he kept agreement with Trump confidential because leaks were prevalent

David Pecker said leaks were "more prevalent" in the organization, and so he didn't want "anyone else to know" about the agreement he had with Donald Trump.

"So that’s why I kept it very confidential," Pecker said.