Trump defends mocking Haley’s name

January 21 - 2024 campaign updates

By Jack Forrest, Paul LeBlanc, Antoinette Radford, Elise Hammond and Isabelle D'Antonio, CNN

Updated 1007 GMT (1807 HKT) January 22, 2024
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2:46 p.m. ET, January 21, 2024

Trump defends mocking Haley’s name

From CNN's Alayna Treene

Former President Donald Trump holds a campaign rally in Atkinson, New Hampshire, on January 16.
Former President Donald Trump holds a campaign rally in Atkinson, New Hampshire, on January 16. Elizabeth Frantz/Reuters

Former President Donald Trump defended his mocking of GOP rival Nikki Haley’s given name, telling Fox News in an interview that aired Sunday that it’s “a little bit of a takeoff on her name … wherever she may come from.”

Haley is the daughter of Indian immigrants and was born Nimarata Nikki Randhawa. She has gone by “Nikki” since her childhood and took her husband Michael Haley’s last name after they married.

Trump first referred to Haley’s first name by misspelling it as “Nimrada” in a post to his social media platform Truth Social last week and later referred to her as “Nimbra,” in the latest examples of him using racist dog whistles to attack his opponents.

“I do that with a lot of people, like (former Arkansas Gov. Asa) Hutchinson. I mean, he was polling at zero for one year, and I called him — rather than Asa, I called him Aida Hutchinson, and it just felt good to me,” Trump told Brett Baier during an interview on the sidelines of his rally in Manchester on Saturday.

During the interview, Trump also responded to Haley’s claim that the name-calling is a sign the former president feels threatened by her, arguing he’s “not concerned with her at all.”

1:49 p.m. ET, January 21, 2024

Biden jumps on to Trump’s remarks confusing Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi

From CNN’s Kevin Liptak

President Joe Biden on Sunday latched on to Donald Trump confusing Nikki Haley with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi when talking about the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol.

Biden, in a post on X, said, "I don’t agree with Nikki Haley on everything, but we agree on this much: She is not Nancy Pelosi."

The post included a video of Haley's response to Trump's confusion and a number of other instances of Trump appearing or sounding incoherent. 

Biden’s campaign has been ramping up its portrayals of Trump as confused, rambling or weakened mentally. It’s a strategy that appears at least in part designed to blunt attacks on Biden for his age.  

1:03 p.m. ET, January 21, 2024

Campaign surrogates make final push for candidates in New Hampshire. Here’s the latest

From CNN's Lauren Koenig

The New Hampshire Republican presidential primary is just two days away, and representatives for the major candidates were busy Sunday with TV appearances and campaign events.

Here's a roundup of recent comments from key players:

DeSantis surrogate Rep. Massie says, “We never had high expectations for New Hampshire anyway”

Republican Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky, a surrogate for Ron DeSantis’ campaign, said Sunday the Florida governor “never had high expectations for New Hampshire anyway,” after a new CNN poll showed him standing at just 6%, below the 10% minimum support he would need to win delegates in the Granite State, per the Republican Party’s rules.

When asked whether DeSantis canceled his appearances on the Sunday shows because he did not want to talk about his “dire” poll numbers, Massie focused his attention on former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who stands with 39% support among likely Republican primary voters in New Hampshire to Donald Trump's 50%.

Massie said Haley is “going to miss expectations and not even win her own state.”

Haley surrogate Rep Norman: Trump is attacking Haley because “he knows she is a serious threat”

Haley campaign surrogate Rep. Ralph Norman of South Carolina said Trump is escalating attacks against the former South Carolina governor “because she’s gaining in the polls and he knows she is a serious threat,” adding, “it’s a two-person race now.”

Norman is one of the South Carolina’s notable Republicans still sticking with Haley, even after South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott recently threw his support behind Trump. The state's governor, Henry McMaster, has also endorsed the former president, as has Sen. Lindsey Graham. 

Norman credited his pivot to supporting Haley over Trump to her youth, telling Fox News on Sunday, “She’s got the ‘it’ factor.” 

Trump surrogate Sen. Vance says Haley "just hasn’t faced" attacks that Trump has

Trump campaign surrogate Sen. JD Vance of Ohio brushed off voter concerns that the former president has too much baggage and argued that Haley is “the candidate the Democrats haven’t teed off on.”

“Nikki does have baggage, she just hasn’t faced the onslaught of years of media attacks, of super PAC attacks, that Donald Trump has faced,” Vance said.

As for the upcoming contest in New Hampshire, a state that allows independents to participate in the primary process, Vance accused some of those voters of being “liberals” who moved to New Hampshire from Massachusetts and insinuated Haley’s campaign strategy is “getting liberals to vote for you in a Republican primary,” adding “it doesn’t work nationally.” 

12:41 p.m. ET, January 21, 2024

Michigan governor says abortion is on the ballot "for all of us"

From CNN’s Celina Tebor

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer said abortion is “on this ballot for all of us” in 2024 and that it wouldn’t hurt for President Joe Biden to speak on the issue more. 

“If a Donald Trump is president, or any of the people on the Republican side right now, unfortunately, they are going to promote an abortion ban for all of us,” she said on CBS' "Face the Nation" on Sunday. 

The Democratic governor reiterated her support — and the president’s — for legal abortion rights. But she said “I think it would be good” if Biden were more vocal about the issue.

“I think people want to know that this is a president that is fighting. And I think he has said that, to use maybe more blunt language, maybe that would be helpful. But that's his position. And that's why I am absolutely confident that when people see this matchup and really understand the stakes of this upcoming election, that, too, could be a motivator for people to come out and vote.”

The Biden campaign is aiming to put reproductive rights front and center in the 2024 race, CNN reported, including with events headlined by the president and vice president, and beginning with an abortion-focused ad featuring stark, emotional testimony from a woman personally affected by a state abortion ban who lays the blame directly on former President Donald Trump.

1:54 p.m. ET, January 21, 2024

New Hampshire Democrats criticize DNC over making South Carolina kick off state

From CNN's Casey Gannon and Sam Fossum

Campaign signs asking voters to write in President Joe Biden in the New Hampshire primary election stand along the road in Loudon, New Hampshire, on January 19.
Campaign signs asking voters to write in President Joe Biden in the New Hampshire primary election stand along the road in Loudon, New Hampshire, on January 19. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

New Hampshire Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan said Sunday the Democratic National Committee made a “terrible decision” by not including President Joe Biden on the state's Democratic primary ballot.

Hassan said there is a “passionate commitment to democracy” on the ground in New Hampshire despite Biden's being a write-in candidate.

“Even though the DNC made a terrible decision, we see strong energy for a write-in Joe Biden campaign because Joe Biden has done what independent voters in New Hampshire have asked, which is work across the aisle to deliver important bipartisan results for the people of our country,” Hassan said. 

Hassan added that Democrats are optimistic Biden will still do well in the state.

“Write-in campaigns are really tough, but we are feeling really good about what we're seeing on the ground,” Hassan said. “But again, write-in campaigns are tough — but that's why it's so important for Democrats and Independents, given the stakes in this election, to go to the polls on Tuesday, go down the list, fill in the circle for write-in and write in Joe Biden's name.”  

Rep. Anne McLane Kuster of New Hampshire called the move “shortsighted” as she made the case for why New Hampshire should have remained the first in the nation primary for Democratic politics. 

“I think it’s something that could’ve been avoided and we certainly did everything that we could to make the case,” Kuster told CNN. “The New Hampshire primary is part of a rich tradition in Democratic politics of a big tent.”  

When asked if she was worried this could hurt Biden electorally come November, Kuster warned that it could put the state’s four electoral votes at risk. 

“By the way, four electoral voters but they’re precious, if Al Gore had had the four electoral votes, he wouldn't have needed Florida to win the presidency. So this could be a very close election next November,” she said.

12:18 p.m. ET, January 21, 2024

Haley continues to cast doubt on Trump's mental fitness

From CNN’s Alison Main

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley continued on Sunday to cast doubt on former President Donald Trump's mental fitness, denying that doing so is "disrespectful."

"There have been multiple things," the former South Carolina governor told CBS's "Face the Nation," listing off recent Trump gaffes including his saying that President Joe Biden would get the country into World War II; that he ran against former President Barack Obama; and that Haley interfered with Capitol security on January 6, appearing to confuse her with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

"Look, I don't know if he was confused. I don't know what happened. But it should be enough to send us a warning sign," she continued. Haley also claimed Biden is "very different than he was two years ago."

"Are we really gonna go into a situation where we have wars around the world and we're trying to prevent war, and we're gonna have someone who we can or can't be sure that they're gonna get confused?" she asked, adding "It's a real issue. That's not being disrespectful. It's just a fact."

Pressed whether she ever questioned Trump's mental fitness when she served in his cabinet, she answered, "I called him out if he was doing something wrong."

"But this is different. I mean, we're seeing he's just not at the same level he was in 2016. I think we're seeing some of that decline," she said.

1:36 p.m. ET, January 21, 2024

Michigan Democrats concerned about Biden's standing in their state

From CNN’s Manu Raju & Sam Fossum

President Joe Biden departs after attending Mass in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, on January 20.
President Joe Biden departs after attending Mass in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, on January 20. Joshua Roberts/Reuters

Michigan Democrats are concerned about President Joe Biden’s standing in their critical swing state as the 2024 presidential election looks increasingly like a Biden-Trump rematch. 

Rep. Dan Kildee of Michigan told CNN’s Manu Raju there’s “no question” that “we’ve got work to do” as Democrats face a potential enthusiasm problem with Biden on the top of the ticket. 

“President Trump's supporters are rabid. They're religious about their support for him. A lot of the challenges we're having right now is just bringing Democrats home, getting that enthusiasm up again, we'll get there. But you know, I'd rather be ahead than seeing the numbers we're seeing,” Kildee told CNN. 

And Rep. Hillary Scholten, who represents Michigan’s third district, acknowledged concerns about Biden’s polling and said that “absolutely” she believes he needs to be visiting the state more as the election goes into full gear. 

“You know, obviously we see the polls and they’re not good. But you know, we, we see a trend happening particularly in the west side of the state where individuals are increasingly rejecting the type of extremism that you, is embodied in today’s Republican party,” Scholten said. 

Scholten also said that Biden can “absolutely not” win the presidency without Michigan, adding: “And I don’t think he can win without West Michigan.”

11:40 a.m. ET, January 21, 2024

New Hampshire Union Leader endorses Nikki Haley

From CNN’s Ali Main

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley shows her appreciation for the crowd singing "Happy Birthday" to her during a campaign event in Peterborough, New Hampshire, on January 20.
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley shows her appreciation for the crowd singing "Happy Birthday" to her during a campaign event in Peterborough, New Hampshire, on January 20. Robert F. Bukaty/AP

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley picked up the endorsement of the New Hampshire Union Leader's editorial board on Sunday, just days before the first-in-the-nation primary.

The paper's typically conservative editorial board not only touts Haley's background and credentials, but also contrasts her with the leading two candidates in each party -- incumbent President Joe Biden and GOP frontrunner former President Donald Trump.

"Nikki Haley is an opportunity to vote for a candidate rather than against those two," it says.

Underscoring Haley's central argument that she can bring generational change that the country needs, the endorsement argues, "putting forward a rematch of the last election means putting an octogenarian in the White House and putting a less-than-capable vice president in the on-deck circle.”

"New Hampshire can prove that nothing is inevitable," it reads, as Haley faces a showdown with Trump, who remains widely popular in her home state of South Carolina.

The paper's editorial board backed Joe Biden in the 2020 general election, endorsing a Democrat for the first time in more than 100 years.

1:22 p.m. ET, January 21, 2024

Sen. Tim Scott says it’s important to look at “both sides” following Trump attacks on Haley

From CNN’s Casey Gannon

Sen. Tim Scott is pictured on CNN's "State of the Union" during an interview on January 21.
Sen. Tim Scott is pictured on CNN's "State of the Union" during an interview on January 21. CNN

Fresh off his recent endorsement of former President Donald Trump, Sen. Tim Scott is defending the former president's recent attacks against Nikki Haley, including references to her birth name and questioning her citizenship.

When asked if he thinks Trump's comments are appropriate, Scott said: “I think there's so much negativity and toxicity in this aim to becoming president again, or for the first time, that we should be very clear, and look at both sides of the comments made.” 

Scott told CNN’s Dana Bash on Sunday that he endorsed Trump for president because he has worked with him in the past and while he was president the country had a “stronger economy, a healthy military and a safer world.” 

“I say that because I worked with President Trump on really important issues impacting American voters and American families,” Scott said. 

Scott’s endorsement earlier this week surprised some, as Haley had appointed Scott to the Senate when she was the governor of South Carolina. Haley indicated yesterday she was disappointed in Scott’s endorsement. Scott told CNN he texted Haley the day before he made his announcement endorsing Trump for president.