Latest Israeli strikes have killed people sheltering at UN schools in Gaza, relief agency says

November 2, 2023 Israel-Hamas war news

By Kathleen Magramo, Christian Edwards, Ed Upright, Dakin Andone, Matt Meyer, Adrienne Vogt, Elise Hammond, Maureen Chowdhury, Tori B. Powell and Mabel Berezin, CNN

Updated 1:55 a.m. ET, November 3, 2023
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3:48 p.m. ET, November 2, 2023

Latest Israeli strikes have killed people sheltering at UN schools in Gaza, relief agency says

From CNN’s Livvy Doherty and Amy Cassidy in London, Abeer Salman and Tamara Qiblawi in Jerusalem

Palestian children walks past debris in the courtyard of a school run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees following Israeli airstrikes targeting Gaza City on October 9. 
Palestian children walks past debris in the courtyard of a school run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees following Israeli airstrikes targeting Gaza City on October 9.  Mohammed Abed/AFP/Getty Images

Israeli airstrikes on Thursday killed more than 20 people sheltering at United Nations schools in Gaza, the head of the main UN relief agency working in the enclave told CNN.

The agency has received “extraordinary, difficult news” about schools in the refugee camps of Jabalya and Al Shati, which is sometimes referred to as Beach camp, said Philippe Lazzarini, the commissioner general of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

"Over the last few hours, I received reports that three of our schools sheltering about 20,000 people have been hit," Lazzarini told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. "This reportedly has led to the deaths of more than 20 people in Jabalya, and also one person at the Beach camp."

The UNRWA later said in a statement that four of its shelters were damaged by Thursday's bombardment: the two mentioned by Lazzarini, and two other schools-turned-shelters further south in the Al-Bureij refugee camp. Two people were reportedly killed and 31 wounded at those sites, the agency said.

The IDF did not immediately respond to a request for comment on UNRWA's statements.

On the ground: Reuters video Thursday showed damage at the Jabalya camp near Gaza City. A separate, five-minute video posted to Telegram shows the chaotic aftermath at the UNRWA-sponsored Jabalya Elementary school. Bloodied bodies lie strewn across the floor as people scream around them.

“These are official UNWRA schools, where we shelter a number of displaced persons in the north of Gaza,” Lazzarini said. “These are shelters which are clearly notified,” he added, meaning the Israeli military knows their location.

Those sheltering in a school in the Al Shati camp, northwest of Jabalya, recounted the ordeal to a CNN stringer.

“The school was shelled and we started screaming,” a woman who fled the school after the attack told CNN. “It was an absolute horror.”

“We were sheltering in the UN school thinking it would be safe,” another man said. “It’s getting destroyed. And it’s mostly women and children, because so many of their men have died. They are innocent. They are innocent.”

This post has been updated with information from the UNRWA about strikes on two additional school shelters.

11:55 a.m. ET, November 2, 2023

Foreign nationals cross into Egypt from Gaza on Thursday

From Asmaa Khalil in Rafah and CNN’s Zeena Saifi in Jerusalem

More foreign nationals have made their way out of Gaza and into Egypt through the Rafah border crossing, with 341 having crossed on Thursday, an Egyptian border official told CNN — a figure that includes American citizens.

It's unclear what nationalities are held by the others who have crossed, but some countries have confirmed their own citizens transited the Rafah crossing on Thursday.

The Egyptian official said the border is closed and will not accept any more people evacuating from Gaza on Thursday.

United States: Between 20 and 25 American citizens arrived Thursday on the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing from Gaza, an Egyptian border official told CNN.

Hungary: Eight Hungarian citizens, along with two of their Palestinian family members, have evacuated from Gaza through the Rafah crossing into Egypt, Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said in a live video statement on Thursday. 

Szijjártó added that they were two families and they crossed the border a “few hours ago.”

Italy: A 5-year-old Italian girl and her Palestinian mother left Gaza through the Rafah crossing on Thursday, Italy's foreign ministry said in a statement. Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said he was "particularly happy for the positive outcome," noting the girl's 6th birthday is on Friday. 

Netherlands: The first Dutch nationals and their immediate family have left the Gaza Strip through the Rafah border crossing, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said in a post on social media on Thursday. 

Rutte added that a team from the foreign ministry met the Dutch nationals at the border crossing. 

“I am grateful to Egypt for the crucial role they played in this, and for receiving and treating the injured,” said Rutte, adding that he also wanted to thank Qatar “for their mediation in facilitating the departure of foreign nationals who were stuck in Gaza.”

Spain: Between 140 and 170 Spanish citizens and their families are expected to be evacuated from Gaza on Thursday or Friday, acting Defense Minister Margarita Robles said on Thursday morning.

"The latest report I got is that Israeli and Egyptian authorities are calling the different countries in alphabetical order, and everything is prepared in Cairo to travel and get them. We don’t know exactly when, but it could be today or tomorrow,” Robles told journalists at Torrejon Air Base. 

The minister also said one Spanish citizen evacuated on Wednesday.

Some background: The exodus of the foreign nationals is the result of a deal announced Wednesday brokered by Qatar between Israel, Hamas and Egypt, in coordination with the US, that allows for the departure of those individuals, alongside critically injured civilians from Gaza, according to sources familiar with the talks. The agreement is separate from any hostage negotiations, the source added.

CNN's Sharon Braithwaite, Claudia Rebaza, Eve Brennan and Boglarka Kosztolanyi contributed reporting to this post.

11:14 a.m. ET, November 2, 2023

Israel's military is in "very significant" areas of Gaza City, says IDF chief of staff

From CNN's Amir Tal in Jerusalem

The Israeli military is surrounding Gaza City and "deepening" its operations there, the Israel Defense Forces chief of staff said in a TV interview Thursday.

“Our soldiers have been operating in Gaza City for the past few days, surrounding it from several directions, deepening the operation,” Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi said. “Our forces are in very significant areas of Gaza City.”

Halevi said Israel has not delivered any fuel into Gaza. "We check the situation every day," he said. "When fuel runs out, fuel will be delivered under supervision to the hospitals."

Nearly half of all hospitals in Gaza are out of service due to bombardments and fuel shortages, including the leading cancer hospital in the strip, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Ramallah. It warned on Wednesday that Gaza’s largest hospital, Al Shifa, could be forced to stop operating soon.

More background: The Israeli army began its full ground operation in Gaza on Friday, moving tanks, bulldozers, infantry and combat engineer units into the strip.

This map shows some of the areas where IDF troops have been operating in the days since:

11:28 a.m. ET, November 2, 2023

A Palestinian American family that was stuck in Gaza has safely crossed into Egypt, their attorney says

From CNN’s Jennifer Henderson

Abood Okal, Wafaa Abuzayda and their 1-year-old son Yousef
Abood Okal, Wafaa Abuzayda and their 1-year-old son Yousef Abood Okal

A Palestinian American family from Medway, Massachusetts, have safely arrived in Egypt after leaving Gaza via the Rafah crossing early Thursday morning, their attorney told CNN in a statement.

Abood Okal, Wafaa Abuzayda and their 1-year-old son Yousef arrived in Egypt just after 11:30 a.m. local time, the lawyer, Sammy Nabulsi, said.

“The Okal Family is overwhelmed with the love and support they have received from home and abroad, but they are also exhausted, physically and emotionally drained, and have a long journey ahead of them back to the United States,” Nabulsi said in the statement.

“The Okal Family expresses its deepest gratitude to their family and friends around the world, the Medway community, the media for sharing their plight and the plight of the hundreds of other Americans trapped in Gaza, their elected officials who fought hard for their return, and the State Department for providing them with safe departure,” he added.

Okal — a cancer researcher for a pharmaceutical company — and his family had traveled to the region in late September to visit family. The first week of their trip was spent in the West Bank, but they became stranded in Gaza after the start of the war between Israel and Hamas, fearing for their lives.

At this time, the family is asking for privacy until their safe return to Medway, Nabulsi said.

They're also asking for “the immediate and safe departure of the remaining American citizens and their families in Gaza, and compassion and prayers for the innocent civilians in Gaza, who gave them shelter, who helped them find food and water, but who continue to be without their own supply of food, water, fuel, or medicine to live,” Nabulsi added.
9:54 a.m. ET, November 2, 2023

Israeli Air Force says it intercepted cruise missile "launched from the southeast"

From Amir Tal in Jerusalem

Israel’s Air Force said that “in recent days” it intercepted a cruise missile fired at the country “launched from the southeast.” 

The military also released footage it said showed the cruise missile being destroyed.

The Israeli Air Force did not indicate where the cruise missile was launched. But last month, the US Navy said that it intercepted multiple projectiles near the coast of Yemen. And on Wednesday, Yemen's Houthi rebels claimed to have successfully launched a barrage of drones against Israel.

“In recent days, a cruise missile was detected by the control and detection systems of the Air Force, which was launched from the southeast towards the airspace of the State of Israel,” the Israeli Air Force said. “The systems followed the trajectory of the cruise missile and launched fighter jets from the ‘Adir’ [F-35] formation, which successfully intercepted it.”

It said that later the same day, the Air Force “intercepted a surface-to-surface missile in the Red Sea using the long-range defense system ‘Arrow.’”

10:03 a.m. ET, November 2, 2023

Israel's military responds to white phosphorus accusations with carefully worded statement

From CNN’s Tamara Qiblawi, Florence Davey-Attlee and Sarah Sirgany

A shell that appears to be white phosphorus explodes over a house in al-Bustan, south Lebanon, on October 15.
A shell that appears to be white phosphorus explodes over a house in al-Bustan, south Lebanon, on October 15. Hussein Malla/AP

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Thursday responded to accusations about Israel’s use of white phosphorus in Lebanon with a carefully worded statement, dismissing reports that the incendiary substance has been used for setting fires but conceding that it does use it in some circumstances. 

On Tuesday, Amnesty International accused the Israeli army of firing white phosphorus at the southern Lebanese town of Dhayra, injuring civilians.

On the same day, Lebanese interim Agricultural Minister Abbas Al-Hajj Hassan accused Israel of burning more than 40,000 olive trees in southern Lebanon using “white phosphorous bombs.”

The IDF denied that.

The “smoke-screen shells containing the white phosphorus in the IDF are not intended or used for setting fire, and any claim that these shells are used for that cause is baseless,” the IDF said in a statement to CNN. 

The IDF also said it does not use the incendiary weapon in densely populated areas, but added that “certain exceptions” applied.  

“This complies and goes beyond the requirements of international law,” the IDF said. 

What is white phosphorus? It's an incendiary weapon, which is used to set fire to military targets, but its use is restricted under international humanitarian law. It is considered lawful in some cases but cannot be fired at or near civilian areas or civilian infrastructure. 

White phosphorus can provide illumination or create a smokescreen in battle, but it is known to burn flesh down to the bone, according to previous CNN reporting.

According to the International Committee of the Red Cross, “The use of ... white phosphorous weapons against any military objective within concentrations of civilians is prohibited unless the military objective is clearly separated from the civilians.”

Human Rights Watch has also accused Israel of repeatedly firing white phosphorus at Lebanon since the escalation between the two countries began on October 8, sparked by the Hamas-Israel war. 

Last month, the IDF strongly denied the claims. In an interview, IDF spokesperson Lt. Col. Peter Lerner told CNN “categorically, no," it had not used white phosphorus.

Both Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have documented the use by Israel of white phosphorous in civilian areas in Gaza during previous rounds of fighting there. CNN also documented its use.

A CNN team on the ground in southern Lebanon has seen fires, burning trees and billowing smoke in the aftermath of Israeli strikes in southern Lebanon over the past two weeks. The CNN team filmed abandoned olive fields during the ongoing harvest season.

9:58 a.m. ET, November 2, 2023

New US ambassador will travel to Israel with secretary of state

From CNN's Jennifer Hansler

Jacob Lew looks on during his nomination hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to be US Ambassador to Israel on October 18, at the US Capitol in Washington, DC.
Jacob Lew looks on during his nomination hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to be US Ambassador to Israel on October 18, at the US Capitol in Washington, DC. Roberto Schmidt/AFP/Getty Images

Newly confirmed United States Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew will travel with Secretary of State Antony Blinken to Israel Thursday.

Lew will take up his post in Jerusalem at a time when the stakes could not be higher: Israel’s expanding ground operations and the resulting toll on civilians has seen increasing condemnation by the Arab world, evidenced in part by Jordan's decision to recall its own ambassador to Israel.

Blinken's visit: President Joe Biden's administration has ramped up its public rhetoric about the need for Israel to abide by international humanitarian law, but it has not condemned the country's actions in Gaza. That is expected to be a key aspect of Blinken’s conversations with Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as will the need for Israel not to become an occupying force in Gaza.

State Department spokesperson Matt Miller said Wednesday that Blinken "wants to get an update from Israel on their military objectives and their plans for meeting those objectives" and "to talk about ways that we can increase the flow of humanitarian assistance and get to the point where it’s a sustained, continuous flow getting in every day that meets the needs of innocent civilians in Gaza."

“He wants to talk about preventing the conflict from spreading. He wants to talk about the ability to get hostages back,” Miller said. “And as I said, he will talk directly with the Israeli government, as he has previously, as the president has previously, about our expectation that ... in conducting this military campaign, that they do it – do so in full compliance with international humanitarian law and the laws of war, and we will be very direct about that.”

The growing Israeli settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank is also expected to be a major topic of conversation.

“We have made quite clear to the government of Israel that we are very concerned about settler violence in the West Bank,” Miller said Wednesday. “We find it incredibly destabilizing. We find it counterproductive to Israel’s long-term security in addition to, of course, being extremely harmful to the Palestinians living in the West Bank.”
“And we have sent a very clear message to them that it’s unacceptable, it needs to stop, and those responsible for it need to be held accountable,” he said.
9:22 a.m. ET, November 2, 2023

Gaza evacuations continue, as Biden supports humanitarian "pause" in fighting. Here’s what you need to know

From CNN's Christian Edwards

More foreign nationals and injured Palestinians have arrived in Egypt from Gaza, a day after the Rafah crossing opened to allow the first evacuations since Israel’s siege of the enclave began nearly four weeks ago. At least 400 foreign nationals and 60 injured people are expected to leave the strip over the course of the day.

Meanwhile, Israel bombed the densely-populated Jabalya refugee camp in northern Gaza for the second time in two days Wednesday, prompting the United Nations' Human Rights Office to express concerns that the strikes "could amount to war crimes." The Israeli military said the actions targeted Hamas commanders and the militant group’s infrastructure.

And, as the global outcry against the suffering of Gazans grows, US President Joe Biden – who has offered full-throated support for Israel but increasingly raised concerns about the situation in Gaza – also called for a humanitarian “pause” in the Israel-Hamas war, to allow aid to reach civilians and help facilitate the release of hostages.

Here are the latest developments:

  • Rafah evacuations: Egypt has said it will help evacuate nearly 7,000 foreign citizens from more than 60 countries via the Rafah crossing, according to a statement from its foreign ministry. The first foreign nationals were able to cross from Gaza to Egypt Wednesday. Evacuations resumed Thursday and are expected to continue over the coming days. Six US citizens were among those evacuated Thursday. They are believed to be among some 400 American citizens plus their family members – about 1,000 people total – to be stuck in Gaza amid the deepening humanitarian crisis. A convoy of ambulances arrived at the crossing Thursday and were waiting to pick up injured Palestinians, an Egyptian border official told a CNN reporter on the ground.
  • Jabalya strikes: The Israeli airstrike that again rocked the Gazan refugee camp of Jabalya on Wednesday killed at least 80 people, the director of Gaza’s Indonesian hospital Dr. Atef Al Kahlout told CNN. He said the majority of casualties were women and children, and that hundreds more people were injured. Video from the blast site showed catastrophic damage surrounding a deep crater in the neighborhood and people digging through the rubble searching for bodies. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed that the blast in the Falluja neighborhood of the camp was due to an airstrike, which had “eliminated” Hamas terrorists.
  • Biden comments: US President Joe Biden said Wednesday evening that he supports a humanitarian “pause” in the war to allow for the release of more hostages held in Gaza, responding to a protester who called for a ceasefire. As Biden was speaking at a fundraiser in Minneapolis, he was heckled by an audience member demanding a ceasefire – which prompted the president to explain his own position: “I think we need a pause. A pause means give time to get the prisoners out,” Biden said. Many Western leaders have stopped short of calling for an outright ceasefire, stressing Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas, but have appealed for a humanitarian “pause” to allow aid to get into Gaza and hostages to get out.
  • UN concern over "disproportionate attacks:" The United Nations Human Rights Office warned that Israeli airstrikes on the Jabalya refugee camp “could amount to war crimes.” In a post on social media Wednesday, the office said: “Given the high number of civilian casualties and the scale of destruction following Israeli airstrikes on the Jabalya refugee camp, we have serious concerns that these are disproportionate attacks that could amount to war crimes.” Israel’s bombardment of Gaza has lasted nearly four weeks and killed at least 8,700 people, according to figures released by the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Ramallah, drawn from sources in the Hamas-controlled enclave.
  • Diplomatic backlash: Israel’s strikes on Jabalya have further strained its diplomatic relations with its Arab neighbors and a number of other countries across the world. Bolivia cut diplomatic ties with Israel on Tuesday, citing “crimes against humanity” against Palestinians. In the wake of Wednesday’s strike, Jordan recalled its ambassador to Israel. Bahrain did the same on Thursday, adding that the Israeli ambassador had departed the country and that economic relations with Israel had been suspended.
9:00 a.m. ET, November 2, 2023

At least 33 journalists killed in Israel-Hamas conflict since war began, Committee to Protect Journalists says

From CNN's Hande Atay Alam 

Relatives and colleagues of Palestinian journalists Saeed Al-Taweel and Mohammad Sobh, who were killed in Israeli airstrikes, perform funeral prayer in Gaza on October 10.
Relatives and colleagues of Palestinian journalists Saeed Al-Taweel and Mohammad Sobh, who were killed in Israeli airstrikes, perform funeral prayer in Gaza on October 10. Ashraf Amra/Anadolu/Getty Images

At least 33 journalists have been killed since the latest Israel-Hamas conflict began on October 7, according to a Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) statement released Thursday. 

The death toll among journalists includes 28 Palestinians, four Israelis and one Lebanese, the CPJ said.

Eight journalists have been reported injured, and nine others have been reported missing or detained, CPJ said.