Russia calls US decision to provide Ukraine with cluster munitions an "act of desperation"

July 8, 2023 Russia-Ukraine news

By Christian Edwards, Adrienne Vogt, Laura Smith-Spark and Matt Meyer, CNN

Updated 5:38 p.m. ET, July 8, 2023
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1:30 p.m. ET, July 8, 2023

Russia calls US decision to provide Ukraine with cluster munitions an "act of desperation"

From CNN's Mariya Knight

The US decision to provide Ukraine with cluster munitions is an inconsequential act that will still fail to defeat Moscow's forces on the battlefield, Russia's foreign ministry said in a statement Saturday. 

“The transfer of cluster munitions is an act of desperation and evidence of failure of the highly publicized Ukrainian 'counteroffensive,'" Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said in a statement.

“It will not affect the course of a special military operation," Zakharova added, using the preferred terminology among Kremlin officials to describe the war in Ukraine.

Zakharova claimed the US decision was "aimed at maximally prolonging the conflict in Ukraine," but that Russia's goals for the invasion will still be fully achieved.

Some context: Officials with the US Department of Defense have acknowledged that one of the primary reasons they're providing cluster munitions to Kyiv is that its counteroffensive is "going a little slower than some had hoped."

The Ukrainian military has so far failed to yield major gains, documenting incremental advances on the front lines during the offensive's opening stages.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said he wants to be strategic about where he sends troops in order to minimize casualties, especially considering they are making a slog through heavily mined territories and fortified Russian defenses.

Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley has said the pace of the counteroffensive is not surprising, given those factors.

US President Joe Biden told CNN that he deeply considered the issue of providing the cluster munitions — controversial weapons that are banned by over 100 nations because of the potential risk they pose to civilians. Ultimately, he concluded that the risk of Russia succeeding in its invasion was greater than that of letting Ukraine use the weapons on their own soil, he said.

CNN's Ivana Kottasová and Michael Conte contributed reporting to this post.

1:52 p.m. ET, July 8, 2023

Ukrainians who defended Azovstal steel plant are returning home with Zelensky, president says

From CNN's Svitlana Vlasova in Kyiv

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Saturday that five soldiers who defended the Azovstal plant in the southern city of Mariupol would return to Ukraine.

“We are returning home from Türkiye and bringing our heroes home. Ukrainian soldiers Denys Prokopenko, Svyatoslav Palamar, Serhiy Volynsky, Oleh Khomenko, Denys Shleha. They will finally be with their relatives,” Zelensky said in a Telegram post.

In the video, Zelensky is seen meeting and hugging the men at an airport field before boarding a plane.

The five Ukrainian soldiers surrendered following the fall of Mariupol. After their release from Russian captivity, they were taken to Turkey as part of a prisoner swap back in September, where they were obliged to stay until the end of the war, according to the terms of the swap.

Zelensky was in Turkey to hold talks with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Background on Azovstal and Mariupol: The siege of the southern port city of Mariupol lasted almost three months, with the steel plant serving as a symbol of resistance and a final holdout as Russian troops advanced further into the city.

The plant sprawled over 4 square miles and once employed more than 10,000 people, a mass of tunnels, pipes and chimney stacks perched on the Azov Sea.

Russian forces shelled the facility day and night for weeks. The Ukrainians’ last stand became increasingly desperate as food and water supplies dwindled, and hundreds of casualties were left without adequate medical care. Huddled together underground in grim conditions, many soldiers and civilians began to doubt that they’d ever escape the plant alive, before negotiations led to a mutual ceasefire.

What Russia says: Turkey was "pressured" by NATO into returning the five Azovstal leaders to Ukraine, Russian state media RIA reported on Saturday, citing Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov.

Peskov called it "a violation of the terms of the existing agreements," adding that "the conditions for the return were violated by both the Turkish side and Kyiv."

CNN's Mariya Knight and Chris Liakos contributed reporting to this post.

11:02 a.m. ET, July 8, 2023

British prime minister addresses cluster munitions: UK is part of convention that prohibits their use

From CNN's Duarte Mendonca in London

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak speaks at a press conference in London on June 30.
UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak speaks at a press conference in London on June 30. Frank Augstein/Pool/AFP/Getty Images

United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak addressed cluster munitions a day after the United States said it will send the controversial weapons to Ukraine, but stopped short of directly criticizing the US for its decision.

The UK is "signatory to a convention which prohibits the production or use of cluster munitions and discourages their use," Sunak told reporters Saturday.

"We will continue to do our part to support Ukraine against Russia's illegal and unprovoked invasion, but we've done that by providing heavy battle tanks and most recently long-range weapons, and hopefully all countries can continue to support Ukraine," Sunak said. 

The prime minister also said the upcoming NATO summit will include discussions on how to strengthen support for Ukraine.

About the weapons: Cluster munitions, also called cluster bombs, are canisters that carry tens to hundreds of smaller "bomblets." As the bomblets fall over a wide area, they can endanger non-combatants.

Much of the world has banned the use of these weapons through the Convention on Cluster Munitions, which also prohibits the stockpiling, production and transfer of them. Though 123 nations have joined that convention, the United States, Ukraine, Russia and 71 other countries have not.

Both Ukrainian and Russian forces have used cluster bombs since Moscow invaded in February 2022.

US President Joe Biden told CNN Friday that it was a "difficult decision" to provide Ukraine with the bombs for the first time, but that he was ultimately convinced to send the weapons because Kyiv needs ammunition in its counteroffensive against Russia.

12:23 p.m. ET, July 8, 2023

Biden will deliver remarks on Ukraine at the high-stakes NATO summit. Here’s what his schedule looks like

From CNN’s Jasmine Wright

US President Joe Biden speaks in Washington, DC, on Friday, July 7.
US President Joe Biden speaks in Washington, DC, on Friday, July 7. Al Drago/Bloomberg/Getty Images

US President Joe Biden will depart Sunday on a consequential days-long Europe trip that includes a host of bilateral meetings with allies amid the backdrop of Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine and last month’s attempted mutiny in Russia. 

The White House detailed Biden’s trip in a pool note to traveling reporters. Here's his schedule:

  • Monday: Biden will meet with the United Kingdom’s King Charles III and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak "to further strengthen the close relationship between our nations."
  • Tuesday: Biden travels to Lithuania and holds a bilateral meeting with President Gitanas Nausėda. The US president will attend the NATO summit Tuesday and Wednesday.
  • Wednesday: Biden will deliver remarks "highlighting how the United States, alongside our allies and partners, are supporting Ukraine, defending democratic values, and taking action to address global challenges."
  • Thursday: Biden will participate in a bilateral meeting with Finland’s President Sauli Niinistö in Helsinki and attend the US-Nordic Leaders' Summit before returning to the US.
12:09 p.m. ET, July 8, 2023

Major diplomatic news has dominated headlines ahead of the NATO summit. Here’s what to know

From CNN staff

Saturday marks 500 days since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine — and how or when the conflict might end is not yet certain. While Kyiv has launched its counteroffensive to try to drive Russian troops from the territories they have occupied, much of the war’s outcome may be influenced by decisions made far away from the battlefield – mostly notably in Vilnius, Lithuania’s capital, where NATO is set to hold a key summit beginning Tuesday. The high-stakes meeting has a packed agenda, including the alliance's expansion and assistance to Ukraine.

Here are the latest developments:

  • Turkey says Ukraine "deserves" NATO: Ukraine deserves to have full NATO membership, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said early Saturday, following talks with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky. While in the Czech Republic – one of several NATO countries the Ukrainian president visited this week – Zelensky said NATO needs to send “a clear signal that Ukraine will be in the alliance.”
  • Sweden’s membership bid stalled: However, Turkey is less ardent that Sweden should be admitted into the alliance. Ankara and Stockholm have been locked in a tense confrontation over what Turkey alleges to be the Swedish government’s complicity in far-right protests, by allowing copies of the Quran to be burned in public demonstrations. While NATO was hoping to display its unity by allowing Sweden into the alliance before the Vilnius summit, Turkey looks set to frustrate that hope. Sweden's neighbor Finland joined the alliance in April, after the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine spurred both countries to abandon traditional neutrality and seek accession into NATO.
  • Putin’s Turkey trip uncertain: No date has yet been set for Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit Turkey, according to comments made by Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov and reported in Russian state media TASS. Erdogan said Friday that Putin would visit Turkey next month, without giving an exact date. Russia said it had been watching closely recent talks between Erdogan and Zelensky.
  • 8 dead in Lyman: At least eight people were killed and 13 injured as a result of Russian troops shelling the eastern Ukrainian town of Lyman on Saturday, according to Ukrainian officials.

  • Ukraine counts child deaths: At least 494 children have been killed and 1,051 injured since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began 500 days ago, Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s Office said Saturday. The majority of the children counted were in the Donetsk and Kharkiv region, according to the statement. Also, Russia claimed this week to have taken more than 700,000 children from Ukraine into Russian custody since the start of the war.
  • Zelensky honors Snake Island defenders: To commemorate the 500th day of the Russian invasion, Zelensky honored the defenders of Snake Island, which became an early symbol of Ukrainian resistance. On February 24 last year, the first day of the war, a soldier on the island delivered a message to the approaching Russian navy: “Russian warship, go f*** yourself.”
  • US sends cluster munitions: The United States confirmed Friday that it would deliver cluster munitions to Ukraine, after CNN first reported that President Joe Biden's administration was considering accepting Kyiv’s requests. Biden on Friday told CNN that he took the “difficult decision” to provide Ukraine with cluster munitions, which have been outlawed by more than 100 countries, including the UK, France and Germany – but not the US or Ukraine.

11:29 a.m. ET, July 8, 2023

Ukrainian officials report gains around embattled eastern city of Bakhmut

From CNN's Sarah El Sirgany, Ben Wedeman and Kostyantin Gak in eastern Ukraine

Ukrainian artillery units firing at Bakhmut see tangible progress in pushing the Russians away, they told a CNN team reporting from the eastern front.

“The Russians are falling back. We know because they hit us much less,” a gunner with the call sign Ares says, standing next to a small crater next to his unit’s hideout. It struck them about 10 days ago. 

“One or two months ago there was a lot of incoming. It was scary to be here. Now it’s different,” he adds. 

Ukrainian officials said Friday they had advanced 1 kilometer in the direction of the city. The strategy is to encircle the city from the north and south while pounding Russian troops stationed there with non-stop bombardment to force them to surrender or retreat.

It’s a familiar routine. The orders come in over the radio and the small unit quickly turns into a beehive, removing the nets and tree branches camouflaging the gun, pointing it in the direction of the target and firing. Again and again. It takes minutes to cover it again and then wait for the next order. 

A Ukrainian soldier stands beside a howitzer on July 7 near Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine.
A Ukrainian soldier stands beside a howitzer on July 7 near Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine. Kostyantin Gak/CNN

At one artillery position, Ukrainian soldiers claim to fire up to 300 rounds every day. But across the board they complain of an ongoing shortage of ammunition. In the absence of Western-supplied ammunition, they rely on Pakistani ammunition. Ares winces when he sees the "Pakistan" labels on the boxes. 

“We put on the flak jackets and move away from the gun as far as possible when we fire,” Ares says. He recalls one round exploding in the barrel, wounding two soldiers. 

The Bogdana is a Ukrainian-made 155-millimeter self-propelled howitzer. It has a few glitches but the soldiers are proud of it and the Western ammunition it uses, which explodes in the air sending shrapnel over a wide area. 

It has a range of over 40 kilometers (about 25 miles), laying the groundwork for the infantry to push through the Russian defense lines. 

“The Russians have fortified their positions and stand strong,” Bogdana commander Dmytro says. “But I think that’s temporary.”

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8:55 a.m. ET, July 8, 2023

No date set yet for Putin visit to Turkey, Kremlin says

From CNN's Uliana Pavlova

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks in Moscow, Russia, on June 29.
Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks in Moscow, Russia, on June 29. Contributor/Getty Images

No date is set yet for Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit Turkey, Russian state media TASS reported on Saturday, citing Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov.

According to TASS, Peskov said that contacts between Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan are possible, but the exact dates for a visit by the Russian leader to Turkey are still to be determined.

Erdogan told a press conference on Friday that Putin would visit Turkey next month. 

Peskov said Friday that the two sides were already in talks about an in-person meeting.

"Special relationship": Erdogan is engaged in something of a balancing act, as he tries to negotiate maintaining his close ties to Putin with his country's key strategic role as a member of NATO.

In an exclusive interview with CNN ahead of Turkish presidential elections in May and June, which secured him a third term, Erdogan told CNN that he has a "special" and growing relationship with Putin.

"We are not at a point where we would impose sanctions on Russia like the West have done. We are not bound by the West’s sanctions,” Erdogan told CNN. “We are a strong state and we have a positive relationship with Russia.”

However, with a key NATO summit beginning Tuesday in Vilnius, Lithuania, members of the defensive bloc have tried to persuade Turkey to toe the line — in particular, by allowing Sweden to join the alliance.

9:06 a.m. ET, July 8, 2023

Russian shelling kills at least 8 people in Ukrainian city of Lyman, regional leaders say

From CNN's Maria Kostenko in Kyiv

At least eight people were killed and 13 wounded when Russian troops shelled the small Ukrainian city of Lyman on Saturday, according to Ukrainian officials.

Earlier, officials had reported six dead and several injured.

Russian forces attacked the town with multiple launch rocket systems at around 10 a.m. local time (3 a.m. ET), the head of Donetsk region military administration Pavlo Kyrylenko said.

The shelling hit a private residential area, causing damage to a house and a shop. Kyrylenko added that police and emergency services are on the scene providing assistance.

Ukraine's interior ministry said rescuers had extinguished the fire in the private residential building, a nearby shop and three vehicles.

7:05 a.m. ET, July 8, 2023

Officials: 494 children have been killed in Ukraine since Russia's invasion started 500 days ago

From CNN's Maria Kostenko in Kyiv

People attend the funeral of two children who died as a result of a Russian missile strike in Uman, Ukraine, on April 30.
People attend the funeral of two children who died as a result of a Russian missile strike in Uman, Ukraine, on April 30. Oleksii Chumachenko/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

At least 494 children have been killed and 1,051 injured since Russia's invasion of Ukraine started 500 days ago, Ukraine's Prosecutor General's Office said on Saturday.

Most of the children involved were in the Donetsk and Kharkiv region, with others in regions including Kyiv, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia and Mykolaiv, according to the statement.

"These are not the final numbers. Work is ongoing to establish the data in combat zones, as well as in the temporarily occupied and liberated territories," the prosecutor general's office said.

Some context: The United Nations said Friday that more than 9,000 civilians, including more than 500 children, had been killed since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022.

The UN also warned that the true number of fatalities could be much higher than the figures it had been able to confirm.

May and June saw an increase in the number of civilians killed, the UN added, after a relative decline in civilian fatalities in the first four months of the year.