2018 MTV Movie & TV Awards: Highlights

The 2018 MTV Movie & TV Awards: Highlights

By Veronica Rocha, CNN

Updated 11:17 p.m. ET, June 18, 2018
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11:13 p.m. ET, June 18, 2018

"Black Panther" is not just for "people of color," "it's for everybody," star says

Actors Winston Duke, Chadwick Boseman, and Michael B. Jordan accept the Best Movie award (Presented by Toyota) for 'Black Panther' onstage during the 2018 MTV Movie And TV Awards.
Actors Winston Duke, Chadwick Boseman, and Michael B. Jordan accept the Best Movie award (Presented by Toyota) for 'Black Panther' onstage during the 2018 MTV Movie And TV Awards.

"Black Panther" received the highest honor of the night — best movie.

The film's stars, Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan and Winston Duke, accepted the award and thanked the fans.

"It's incredible when you -- when the stereotype used to be people of color couldn't bring y'all out to the theater and be able to make these types of films. And bring this type of impact to you guys," Jordan said. "So the fact that we were able to do this on this scale, with this movie and this project, means the world to us. So we appreciate y'all support."

"And it's not just for, you know, people of color -- it's universal, it's for everybody. So that's something that I really want to get through to everybody." 

Duke thanked fans for not only investing their time in the movie, but "investing in a continued conversation for what this industry and what this culture could achieve. And what we all can aspire to be."

10:57 p.m. ET, June 18, 2018

"Stranger Things" wins for best show

Netflix's "Stranger Things" took home the honor for best show.

"Stranger Things" premiered in 2016 and centers around the lives of four friends, along with a girl named Eleven, who has supernatural powers. They live in Hawkins, Indiana, in the 1980s and a good portion of the show follows their adventures in another realm referred to as the Upside Down.

Netflix announced in December that the show is coming back for a third season, but a release date has not yet been announced.

10:53 p.m. ET, June 18, 2018

9 rules according to Chris Pratt, generation award winner

"Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom" star Chris Pratt received MTV's Generation Award, and opted to impart some wisdom to his younger fans during his speech.

"This is what I call nine rules from Chris Pratt, generation award winner," he said.

Without further ado, these are Pratt's nine rules:

  1. "Breathe. If you don't you'll suffocate." 
  2. "You have a soul. Be careful with it."
  3. "Don't be a turd. If you're strong, be a protector. And if you're smart be a humble influencer. Strength and intelligence can be weapons. And do not wield them against the weak. That makes you a bully. Be bigger than that."
  4. "When giving a dog medicine, put the medicine in a little piece of hamburger. They won't even know they're eating medicine."
  5. "Doesn't matter what it is, earn it. A good deed. Reach out to someone in pain. Be of service. It feels good and it's good for your soul.
  6. "God is real. God loves you. God wants the best for you. Believe that. I do."
  7. "If you have to poop at a party, but you're embarrassed because you're going to stink up the bathroom, just do what I do. Lock the door. Sit down. Get all the pee out first, okay? And then once all the pee's done, poop. Flush. Boom. You minimize the amount of time that the poop is touching the air. 'Cause if you poop first, it takes you longer to pee. Then you're peeing on top. It's stirring it up. The poop particles create a cloud. It goes out and then everyone in the party will know that you pooped. Just trust me. It's science."
  8. "Learn to pray. It's easy and it's so good for your soul."
  9. "Nobody is perfect. People are going to tell you, you're perfect just the way you are. You're not. You are imperfect. You always will be. But there is a powerful force that designed you that way. And it loves you. And if you're willing to accept that, you will have grace. And grace is a gift. And like the freedom that we enjoy in this country, that grace was paid for with somebody else's blood, do not forget it. Don't take it for granted."
10:35 p.m. ET, June 18, 2018

Lena Waithe wins Trailblazer Award

Filmmaker Lena Waithe attends the 2018 MTV Movie And TV Awards at Barker Hangar.
Filmmaker Lena Waithe attends the 2018 MTV Movie And TV Awards at Barker Hangar.

"The Chi" creator Lena Waithe received the Trailblazer Award and took a moment to honor a few other innovators.

Waithe dedicated her award to the stars of "Paris is Burning," a documentary highlighting the drag scene in New York in the 1980s.

"A lot of people featured in this film are no longer with us, but their legacies will never die, because they live on in all of us," Waithe said. 

"And every time someone says, "Shade," or talk about reading, or just decide to serve face for no reason at all, please look up to the sky and give thanks, because we owe them a huge debt of gratitude. They strutted through a brick wall so we wouldn't have to."

From her buzzed about Vanity Fair cover to her recent big-screen debut in Steven Spielberg's "Ready Player One," not to mention her critically acclaimed role in "Master of None" and her designation as the first African-American woman to win a writing Emmy for her work on that series, Waithe is garnering attention.

Rapper and actor Common, who introduced Waithe, said she mentors hundreds of young writers.

She gives "a chance to fresh, new voices, forging a new path so maybe one day there'll be more than one black, lesbian writer like herself accepting awards onstage," he said.

10:04 p.m. ET, June 18, 2018

Michael B. Jordan wins best villain, says "I thought for sure Roseanne had that in the bag" 

Michael B. Jordan, who won for best villain for his role in "Black Panther," took a jab at comedian Roseanne Barr.

"I'm shocked that I won this award for best villain," he joked. "You know, I thought for sure Roseanne had that in the bag, you know. Crazy."

Barr's show was canceled last month after she went on a racist Twitter rant. In a series of tweets, Barr attacked Valerie Jarrett, Chelsea Clinton and George Soros.

The cancellation stunned Hollywood. Industry veterans said they've never seen anything quite like it. The revival of "Roseanne" premiered to huge ratings just three months ago. Pre-production was already underway on a second season, which was scheduled for Tuesdays at 8 p.m. this fall.

9:56 p.m. ET, June 18, 2018

"Love, Simon" star: "Kiss the one that you love no matter what gender they are"

Actor Keiynan Lonsdale accepts the Best Kiss award for 'Love, Simon' from actors Alisha Boe, Dylan Minnette, Katherine Langford, and Miles Heizer onstage during the 2018 MTV Movie And TV Awards.
Actor Keiynan Lonsdale accepts the Best Kiss award for 'Love, Simon' from actors Alisha Boe, Dylan Minnette, Katherine Langford, and Miles Heizer onstage during the 2018 MTV Movie And TV Awards.

Nick Robinson and Keiynan Lonsdale won tonight's coveted "Best Kiss" award for their embrace in "Love, Simon."

Lonsdale accepted the award and urged kids to live their dreams.

"I just want to say to every kid, if you can live your dreams and wear dresses, you can live your dreams -- you can live your dreams and kiss the one that you love no matter what gender they are," Lonsdale said.

"You can live your dreams and you can believe in magic. You can live your dreams and you can be yourself."
9:44 p.m. ET, June 18, 2018

"Black Panther" star gives award to Waffle House hero

James Shaw Jr. (R) accepts the Best Hero award presented to him by 'Black Panther' actor Chadwick Boseman (L) onstage during the 2018 MTV Movie And TV Awards.
James Shaw Jr. (R) accepts the Best Hero award presented to him by 'Black Panther' actor Chadwick Boseman (L) onstage during the 2018 MTV Movie And TV Awards.

"Black Panther" star Chadwick Boseman gave his best hero award to a man he called a "real life" hero.

Boseman welcomed James Shaw Jr., the man who stopped the Waffle House shooting in Tennessee, to the stage at the MTV Movie & TV Awards and presented him with a Golden Popcorn trophy.

"Receiving an award for playing a superhero is amazing," Boseman said. "But it's even greater to acknowledge the heroes that we have in real life. So I just want to acknowledge somebody that's here today, James Shaw Jr."

He told Shaw: "You saved lives. So, this is gonna live at your house."

9:22 p.m. ET, June 18, 2018

Tiffany Haddish is the first black woman to host the MTV Movie & TV Awards

Tiffany Haddish took a moment in her opening monologue to recognize the many firsts this year, including her own as the first black woman to host the MTV Movie & TV Awards.

"It's been a year of firsts for black people," she said. "I'm the first black woman to host the MTV Movie and TV Awards. 

"Black panther" is the first African-American movie to make a billion dollars. And "The Quiet Place" is the first film to scare black people outta talking' in movie theaters just for real."

9:46 p.m. ET, June 18, 2018

Tiffany Haddish jokes the Kardashians are like the Star Wars franchise

Host Tiffany Haddish speaks onstage during the 2018 MTV Movie And TV Awards.
Host Tiffany Haddish speaks onstage during the 2018 MTV Movie And TV Awards.

Comedian Tiffany Haddish started tonight's MTV Movie & TV Awards show by going after the Kardashians.

"That family is basically the Star Wars franchise, OK," Haddish joked. "They make a ton of money, a new one is always popping up and they're ruled by a bossy overlord who sleeps in a mask and she love black men."

The quip drew a round of laughter from Kardashian family matriarch Kris Jenner and her daughter, Kim Kardashian West.