Sudan civil war is worsening region's already dire humanitarian crisis. How you can help - CNN

Civil war is worsening Sudan's already dire humanitarian crisis. How you can help

The UN reports increased incidents of gender-based violence among internally displaced Sudanese populations.

(CNN)A civil war in Sudan that broke out earlier this year is raging on, worsening an already dire humanitarian crisis in northeastern Africa.

According to the UN's International Organization for Migration, more than 4.25 million people have fled since fighting between the Sudanese army and paramilitary forces erupted in April. The agency reports more than 3.2 million people have been internally displaced while more than 900,000 others have escaped to neighboring countries such as Egypt, Chad, and Ethiopia.
    Many civilians are among the hundreds killed and thousands wounded. Women, children, and teens have been especially vulnerable with rising reports of domestic and sexual violence targeting them.
      Aid organizations are on the ground delivering relief to refugees. Click HERE to help those who need it most during this ongoing situation.